Buses leave from Madrid to Alcalá at Avenida de América (Lines 223, 227, 229). The city includes the Moorish quarter, the Jewish quarter, and the Christian quarter. [14] The leading figure in the later movement was Antonio Fernández Quer [es] who became the first municipal councillor from the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party in the province of Madrid in 1903. Madrid. This site is where Christopher Columbus and King Ferdinand planned the excursion to the West as well as the birthplace of Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, who would be the first wife of King Henry VIII of England and therefore queen consort of England. Almudena fue una guía excepcional, además de proporcionarnos multitud de datos útiles lo hizo de manera amena. TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. SAVE! After the 1492 Alhambra Decree Jews were required to become Christians to continue living in Castile and Aragon; those who refused had to leave these kingdoms and most of them found residence in the North of Africa, Amsterdam and the Ottoman Empire. In 1836, however, the faculties moved to Madrid. A period train running between Madrid and Aranjuez recreates the Region of Madrid’s first rail line. Several trains run from Madrid to Alcalá at Atocha Station, Nuevos Ministerios and Chamartín Station (Lines C1,C2,C7). Its Latin name, Complutum, means "confluence",[3][4] Part of the walled enclosure of Alcalá de Henares is the area around the Archbishop's Palace. Alcalá de Henares (Spanish pronunciation: [alkaˈla ðe eˈnaɾes]) is a Spanish city in the Community of Madrid. Más de 15 años de experiencia nos avalan. Although at first the education provided was mainly of a religious nature in which theology and ecclesiastical subjects played a predominant role, the university soon opened up to the worlds of humanities, law and literature, welcoming such famous writers and thinkers as Quevedo, San Ignacio de Loyola and Santo Tomás de Villanueva. After Alcalá was captured from the Moors in 1118, the Jews were granted equal municipal rights with Christians regarding residence, evidence, and criminal compensation. Even though we don’t know precisely the origin of the first human settlements in The Christians preferred the Burgo de Santiuste ("Saint Just's borough") on the original Roman site, and the Muslim one was abandoned. Inscribirse. The Cathedral of Alcalá is notable as one of only two churches in the world to be granted the special title "magistral" (along with St. Peter's Church in Leuven, Belgium). This campus includes most science departments and student housing (as well as its own, separate RENFE station). The climate in this city of central Spain is the continentalised Mediterranean, with cold, dry winters and hot, dry summers. Guests can enjoy an aperitif in this charming setting. Aside from the buildings associated with the university, one of the city's most important and historic building is the Cathedral-Magistral of Saints Justus and Pastor, known formally in Spanish as the Santa e Insigne Catedral-Magistral de los Santos Justo y Pastor or more familiarly as the Catedral de los Santos Niños. Alcalá de Henares is located in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, in the southern half of the Inner Plateau. The processional cloister and the Chapel of Saint Peter were incorporated into the building in the 17th century. Rodrigo Gil de Hontañon, the architect behind the Salamanca and Segovia cathedrals, started building this hall of residence in 1537 in the Mudejar style. 189 talking about this. Find detailed maps for España , Comunidad de Madrid , Madrid , Alcalá de Henares on ViaMichelin, along with road traffic and weather information, the option to book accommodation and view information on MICHELIN restaurants and MICHELIN Green Guide listed tourist sites for - Alcalá de Henares. Visit the Palace and the Gardens of the Royal Site and Town of Aranjuez, a town close to Madrid which has historically been linked to royalty. In the 18th century, Alcalá became a feudal estate of the Archbishops of Toledo, who built the Palacio Arzobispal and gave the town its reputation as a place of great importance with a thriving economy. It is an UNESCO World Heritage Site Understand Get in . Twitter oficial del Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares Para consultas o requerimientos sobre gestión municipal, contacten: 010@ayto-alcaladehenares.es 918883300. The monumental city, home to a centuries-old university, is in the World Heritage Site list. The right (north) bank of the river (on which the current urban nucleus was built) has a very flat relief with a series of quaternary fluvial terraces, while the slope at the left (southern) bank features a very steep slope of clays from the miocene,[20] rapidly rising up to the moors of La Alcarria. It was founded in 1293 as a Studium Generale for the public, and was refounded in 1977. In 1293 in Alcalá de Henares King Sancho IV of Castile founded the Universidad Complutense, one of the oldest universities in the world, as a Studium Generale. Caramelized almonds (almendras garrapiñadas) can be bought in many stores, although the most delicious samples are those called ‘clarisas' made at the San Diego Convent (Calle Beatas, 5). It was founded in 1293 as a Studium Generale for the public, and was refounded in 1977. A unique way of traveling to and discovering Alcalá de Henares, the birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes. [9] Raymond granted the town an old fuero (charter) in 1135.[10]. 13 were here. Piso en calle Mayor, Casco Histórico, Alcalá de Henares. Inside, you can still see two of the Colegio Mayor's three original cloistered yards: the Patio de Santo Tomás and the Patio Trilingüe. In 1998, it was classified as a World Heritage Site. Rosquillas de Alcalá are small donuts made with puff... keep reading Activities & Excursions Many other masters of Spanish Literature such as Lope de Vega, Nebrija, Juan de la Cruz and Quevedo studied and taught here. Juan Antonio Reig Pla, presentaba en una carta una nueva página Web del Obispado de Alcalá de Henares (www.obispadoalcala.org). Alcalá de Henares fut conçue dans le strict but d’être le siège d’une université. There are various guided and dramatised routes that are organised to discover the city in an original way and which take visitors to Cisneros’ Alcalá, Alcalá World Heritage Site, historic Alcalá or Cervantes’ Alcalá. The center of the city remains essentially medieval, with many winding cobbled streets, and many historic buildings. hace 1 día. Hop onto a train or bus and leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind. Calle Dámaso Alonso, 8 28806 Alcalá de Henares T. 91.435.55.52 - M. 681.058.086 info@jardinesdealcala.com. As of 2018 , it has a population of 193,751, making it the region's third-most populated municipality. Under Christian rule until the end of the Reconquista, the town had both a Jewish and a Moorish quarter and a renowned marketplace. Alcalá de Henares is the birthplace of Cervantes, the epitome of Spanish and Modern Literature. Ver noticia: [enlace] SUSCRÍBETE a nuestro canal... ¡Es GRATIS! As this is well connected with Madrid, it made a great city break destination. By car, Alcalá de Henares is well linked with the state roads network with the nearby A-2, the highway which starts in Madrid and continues on to Barcelona and to France. Its historical centre is one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. Instead, de Sauvetât was able to secure the incorporation of Alcalá into his own archiepiscopal territories through a donation from King Alfonso VII in 1129. It takes visitors to those places in town that are somehow related to the author of Don Quixote, like the Plaza de Cervantes or the publishing house that printed La Galatea. All around the perimeter are works by a range of authors in the Open-Air Sculpture Museum. It was one of the most important Roman settlements in the Iberian Peninsula, as attested by the archaeological evidence that has come down to us. Their large nests can be observed atop many of the churches and historic buildings in the city, and are themselves a significant tourist attraction. Dream Alcalá es el referente informativo de Alcalá de Henares, con la información más actual e interesante de la ciudad natal de Cervantes. W XV wieku powstał tu uniwersytet . Predated by earlier settlements (oppida) on the left bank of the Henares, the city has its origins in the Complutum settlement founded in Roman times on the right bank (north) of the river, that became a bishopric seat in the 5th century. Discover the birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes and the old Universidad Complutense, a World Heritage Town that is closely tied to the history of the Spanish language. Nos gustó mucho el tour y sin duda que lo recomendamos a cualquiera que visite Alcalá de Henares aunque no sea por primera vez como es nuestro caso, merece mucho la pena. In 1293, Sancho IV gave permission to Alcalá to build the ‘Estudio de Escuelas Generales', its first step to becoming a university town. Hace ahora más de diez años, Mons. Visit one of the greatest architectural exponents of the Spanish Golden Age, a monumental complex devised by Philip II. alcaladehenares@madrid.voxespana.es Twitter @VOX_Alcala Alcalá is well known for its population of white storks. The University of Alcalá (Spanish: Universidad de Alcalá) is a public university located in Alcalá de Henares, a city 35 km (22 miles) northeast of Madrid in Spain and also the third-largest city of the region. Under Muslim rule Jews lived in Alcalá. The University of San Diego is largely based on the Spanish university; its campus and address take the name "Alcalá Park". Belong anywhere with Airbnb. Category:Alcalá de Henares. The other was on Santiago street. On top of that, the WiFi was excellent, there were plenty of outlets, and the room was immaculate. Several of its buildings have been declared part of a UNESCO World Heritage site after the university was re-founded in 1977. Municipality in Community of Madrid, Spain, List of twin towns and sister cities in Spain, "Alcalá de Henares vuelve a ser un símbolo para el PSOE", García Valcárcel, Écija Moreno & Valcárcel 2001, "El asesinato de Andreu Nin, más datos para la polémica", "La fosa estaba bajo el campo de concentración", "La Red de Ciudades Cervantinas inaugura su página web", "Plan Municipal de Cooperación al Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos (2019-2023)", "Las terrazas cuaternarias del río Henares en las inmediaciones de Alcalá (Madrid)", "La instrumentalización de los espacios urbanos en los siglos XVI y XVII: el ejemplo de la Plaza del Mercado de Alcalá de Henares", Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, "Pervivencia y reforma de los derechos locales en la época moderna. [14], Following the 1936 coup d'etat that sparked the Spanish Civil War, putschist elements seized key posts around the city. Dess historiska centrum har upptagits på Unescos världsarvslista. The city boundaries have been inhabited since the Chalcolithic phase of the Bronze Age. The latest Tweets from Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares (@AytoAlcalaH). Parts of the new university occupy the buildings of the old Universidad Complutense in the city centre, including the modern Colegio de San Ildefonso, and other Colegios, and the structures have served as a model for other universities across the Spanish territories in the Americas and other dependencies. Find the perfect hotel within your budget with reviews from real travelers. Quickly reached from Madrid, Toledo shows how Jews, Muslims and Christians could live together in harmony. Imparte titulaciones oficiales de grado, además de titulaciones oficiales de postgrado, doctorados, estudios propios … Alcalá de Henares (アルカラ・デ・エナレス, Arukara de Enaresu) is the chief academy of Tres España, representing Konomine Castle. First, it was a reasonably priced hotel within easy driving distance of the airport with parking. Also it is linked by bus to Madrid, Guadalajara and several towns and villages in nearby. Decathlon . Typical dishes offered by many restaurants in the city can be consulted in the restaurant guide provided by the official tourism website. Alcala de Henares, Spain. Alquiler de contenedores de varios tamaños (suplementados, pequeños, con tapa), con puerta, retirada de escombro, tierras, poda, muebles, servicios de áridos, etc. Discover apartments available for rent in Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain. Alcalá's Corral of Comedies, which hosts a full program of theatre and is open for tours, is the oldest documented corral in the history of Spain. In 2007, for the first time, the immigrants from Romania created a political party for the elections to come. År 1508 började den första undervisningen. By royal decree, the university moved to Madrid in 1836 (initially as the Universidad de Madrid, later as the Universidad Central, which in the 1970s would finally be renamed Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Alcalá de Henares is a city located in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, 30 km northeast of the city of Madrid.It is an UNESCO World Heritage Site Understand [] Get in []. Alcalá de Henares is a Spanish city in the Community of Madrid. Sûkê wayiye. Dry season coincides with maximum heat in summer. This city-come-landscape famous for its “Hanging Houses” is less than one hour from Madrid by train. Because his father worked on the former Jewish neighbourhood, the birthplace was close to the workplace, and also because the surname Cervantes makes reference to a different site in the Northwest of Spain, and geographical surnames were common among the Jewish population. The first is on the north side of Alcalá. The Moors came after the Romans and built the castle of A-Qalát de Nahar in 850, from which the town earned its name. Constructed between 1497 and 1514, the cathedral houses the remains of Saints Justus and Pastor, two Christian schoolboys martyred near the city during the persecutions of the Roman Emperor Diocletian at the beginning of the 4th century. Stadens romerska namn var Complutum. Alcalá de Henares est une option touristique obligatoire, des centaines de voyageurs viennent tout d'abord découvrir la Calle Mayor. La Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) es una universidad pública de Madrid ubicada en Alcalá de Henares, España, y con campus en Alcalá de Henares y Guadalajara. The University of Alcalá is a public university located in Alcalá de Henares, a city 35 km northeast of Madrid in Spain and also the third-largest city of the region. Aquí tienes las últimas informaciones relativas al … Schedule a tour, apply online and secure your future apartment near Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain on Rentberry. On 3 May 1118, it was conquered by the Archbishop of Toledo Bernard de Sedirac at behest of Castile. Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros founded the Complutense University in Alcalá de Henares in the late 15th century. The cathedral is one of the only two churches in the world called ‘Magistral', meaning that all its canons are ‘magisters' or lecturers at the university. Español: Alcalá de Henares es una ciudad de la Comunidad de Madrid . [14] Emerged in reaction to Socialist advances, Social catholicism also took hold in the city since 1905, founding a number of organizations such as Centro Católico de Acción Social Popular and the Mutual Obrera Complutense. 121 m² Planta 2ª exterior sin ascensor. It is a … Alcalá de Henares, Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad y una de Miguel de Cervantes, tiene mil y un atractivos para el turista. Travel from Madrid to San Lorenzo de El Escorial on a vintage train and unveil the secrets of King Philip II’s empire. Alcalá de Henares, city, Madrid provincia (province) and comunidad autónoma (autonomous community), central Spain.Known under the Romans as Complutum, the city was destroyed in ad 1000 and rebuilt in 1038 by the Moors, who called it Al-Qalʿah al-Nahr. Connect to real estate Agents in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain on CENTURY 21 Global. Ce fut l’une des principales villes de la Péninsule ibérique, comme en témoignent les vestiges conservés. [citation needed] El 29 de octubre de 2010, el Obispo de Alcalá de Henares, Mons. The Parador de Alcala de Henares offers a terrace, set in the cloister of the 16th-century Saint Thomas of Aquino Convent. Now, it is home to the Miguel de Cervantes Prize gala, honouring the lifetime achievement of an outstanding writer in the Spanish language, held on 23 April every year. Tienda de compra-venta de videojuegos y consolas, música, películas, libros, merchandising y electrónica Alcalá de Henares, city, Madrid provincia (province) and comunidad autónoma (autonomous community), central Spain. Ce fut la première ville de ce type dans l’histoire et elle devint un modèle de ville universitaire pour les Amériques et l’Europe. At an average of 654 m of altitude, and occupying some 88 km2; the city was for a long time encapsulated in between the river Henares to the South and the Madrid-Barcelona railway to the North. The church was rebuilt again some three hundred years later by a subsequent archbishop of Toledo, Alfonso Carrillo de Acuña, who elevated it to the status of a collegiate church. In addition, some buildings at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas were modeled after the architecture of Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.[21]. Tem 87,7 km² de área e em 2019 tinha 195 649 habitantes (densidade: 2 230,9 hab./km²). [15] Alcalá, that reportedly became a Soviet power base during the conflict—a "republic within the republic" where the Republican national government held a tenuous grip—was the place were POUM leader Andrés Nin was transferred to and presumably tortured and killed in June 1937 by NKVD agents.[16][17]. During this festival the streets are filled with music, art, theatre, and dance as the city residents celebrate Alcalá's rich cultural heritage. The average year-round rainfall is about 420 mm (16.5 in), mainly in spring and autumn. They say it was erected on the spot where the Santos Niños Justo and Pastor were buried. The Complutense University was founded here in 1499, and since then it has declared Spanish a language of culture. Next time you come to Madrid, don’t miss the chance to visit the mosque in the most important city of Al-Andalus, Córdoba. May 14, 2021 - Rent from people in Alcala de Henares, Spain from $20/night. The academy is led by President Felipe Segundo. The title reflects its former status as a collegiate church, and derives from the requirement that all of the canons of the cathedral must possess the academic distinction of Doctor of Theology in order to serve there. Alcalá de Henares is a city located in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, 30 km northeast of the city of Madrid. Located in the Madre de Dios Dominican Convent, a building constructed between the 17th and 18th centuries, this museum brings together archaeological remains found in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. The building was declared a national monument in 1904. Vendedor deportista Decathlon Alcalá de Henares - Deportes de Agua. ALCALA DE HENARES . The Romans founded a town they called Complutum, about 2km from today’s Alcalá de Henares. In Alcalá de Henares you can learn about the tradition of Castilian food with typical dishes of La Mancha cuisine such as migas with chorizo or roast lamb with potatoes. [11], Despite being largely ruined, the town acquired the status of city in 1687 after long negotiations. JARDINES DE ALCALÁ 90% vendido En Alcalá de Henares . [citation needed]. Vendedor deportista Decathlon Alcalá de Henares - Deportes de Agua. Partiendo de actividades agropecuarias durante el siglo XX, entre las décadas de 1960 y 1980, el sector industrial dominó claramente, y hoy queda relegado al tercer puesto, pasando de los 17 000 empleos en 1983 a los 12 000, cediendo ante el sector de la construcción (segundo lugar) y el sector servicios (dominante). Alcalá de Henares Solemnidad del Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo Domingo, 6 de junio de 2021. Some 18% of the population are of foreign origin, according to the official data, a large part of the newcomers (30%) are immigrants from Eastern Europe. EAT Alcalá de Henares is known for its sweets and rosquillas de Alcalá are one of the city’s most famous pastries. In addition to an alluring variety of tapas, sweets are another of the city's charms thanks to the legacy left by the many convents which were established in Alcalá. The city centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, together with the University. Open full screen to view more. The chapel’s stucco, with Gothic, Mudejar and Renaissance elements, and polychrome coffered ceiling, with interlaced decorative patterns, contribute to enhance its beauty. Parador de Alcalá de Henares. 1 … à partir de 120,00€ par adulte (prix variable en fonction de la taille du groupe) En savoir plus sur ce contenu. Alcalá's excellent transport links with Madrid have led to its becoming a commuter town, with many of its inhabitants travelling to work in the capital. Straddling the Henares River, it is located 35 kilometres (22 miles) to the northeast of the centre of Madrid. At some time in the 1480s, Christopher Columbus had his first meeting with the Reyes Católicos, King Ferdinand II of Aragon and his wife Queen Isabella I of Castile, who financed the travel for the Discovery of America. As of 2019[update], the mayor is Javier Rodríguez Palacios [es] (PSOE).[2]. [7] Un supuesto singular: el Fuero de Alcalá de Henares de 1509", "El Patrimonio durante la Guerra Civil: destrucción, salvaguardia y propaganda. Alcalá de Henares is located in: España, Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, Alcalá de Henares. The city currently hosts the (refounded) University of Alcalá. The University … Alcala de Henares is another Spanish city with stunning architecture and plenty of history. Soon after, on 10 February 1129,[8] Alfonso VII gifted Alcalá to Raymond de Sauvetât, also Archbishop of Toledo, becoming an archiepiscopal property for centuries to come. The city celebrates the birthday of native son Miguel de Cervantes on 9 October every year and organizes an annual Cervantes festival, the Semana Cervantina [es] (Cervantine Week). In 414 a chapel was erected at the site of Justus and Pastor's martyrdom, and was converted into a cathedral during the period of Visigoth control of Hispania; bishops from Alcalá were present at the Councils of Toledo beginning in the 7th century. There has been no clear planning by the city councillors regarding expansion, and the sprawling suburban areas are irregularly constructed, with the addition of 1970s-style high rise blocks in many places. Its construction was finished in 1553 under the quantity surveyor, Pedro de la Cotera. La Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) es una universidad pública de Madrid ubicada en Alcalá de Henares, España, y con campus en Alcalá de Henares y Guadalajara. The city hosts a large population of international students due to the presence of the university, and in particular its Spanish language and literature programs for foreign students. Alcalá de Henares é um município da Espanha na província e comunidade autónoma de Madrid. The aim was to make it look just like it had done in the 16th century, adding painting collections, artefacts and decorative elements from that time. It serves as a military training ground and educational center for the inhabitants of Tres España. Every season has its traditional sweet, depending on the religious festival that is being celebrated. The ceremony attracts a wide range of dignitaries to the city including members of the royal family, the prime minister, and others. Día de Alcalá de Henares en el estand de Alcalá. The average year-round temperature is 14 °C (57 °F). Aviso Legal. [14] The population was still agrarian to a large extent, with a high level of illiteracy and living in bad conditions. TEMPORARILY POSTPONED. Catholic Diocese of Alcalá de Henares. TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. To learn more about Cervantes’s life and work, there’s a Cervantes Tour in Alcalá. (Although the title "magistral" was originally granted by Cardinal Cisneros, the building was still technically only a collegiate church, and not yet a cathedral within the ecclesiastical meaning of the term.). This is a sporting event that runs through an incomparable setting, passing through the historic streets of the city of Alcalá de Henares, bringing together popular and professional runners to participate in the Marathon, Relay Marathon and 10K modalities. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. [1. Alcalá de Henares is a city 30 km northeast of Madrid.Its attractive medieval centre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is full of interesting old buildings. Reig escribía: «Nada de lo humano le es ajeno a la […] Cada día publicamos las últimas noticias de la ciudad, con especial atención al turismo, ocio, cultura, actividades, eventos, música, cine, teatro, cultura, exposiciones, turismo y mucho más. Exploring the area beyond the Calle Mayor we found this beautiful s TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. When the Moors arrived in 711, they subdued the Visigothic city and founded another site, building an al-qalʿa, which means "citadel" in Arabic, on a nearby hill, today known as Alcalá la Vieja (Old Alcalá). La Magistral de Alcalá de Henares", "El movimiento obrero en Alcalá de Henares (1868-1939)", Gargantilla del Lozoya y Pinilla de Buitrago, Rock art of the Iberian Mediterranean Basin, Catalan Romanesque Churches of the Vall de Boí, regions in Spain and other countries in Europe, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alcalá_de_Henares&oldid=1022945904, Populated places established in the 1st century BC, Articles to be expanded from October 2014, Articles needing translation from Spanish Wikipedia, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox settlement with possible demonym list, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2018, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2019, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2019, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from June 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Recent archaeological excavations have opened up the city's Roman forum where a large complex comprising a basilica, public baths, a cryptoporticus, a market and a large monumental façade stands out. The bishop's residence has since been used for preserving historical archives. Find unique places to stay with local hosts in 191 countries. English: Alcalá de Henares is a city in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain. Loin de n'être qu'une ville dortoir après des journées fatigantes à Madrid, vous découvrirez dans les rues pavées du quartier historique d'Alcalá de Henares le charme des traces laissées par l'histoire dans cette ville universitaire. Eficacia y rapidez al mejor precio son nuestra seña de identidad. At that time the relics of Saints Justus and Pastor were taken to Huesca for safekeeping until after the reconquest of Alcalá in 1118. Actividades y Eventos Noticias Diocesanas 18/05/2021. Y RECIBE TODA LA INFORMACIÓN TURÍSTICA DE ALCAL. It was not until 1991 that the Diocese of Alcalá was finally restored, being separated from the Archdiocese of Madrid, at which time the building was granted its present status of cathedral-magistral. Nevertheless, it was burned during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), and practically all of its contents were destroyed with the exception of a few minor relics and choir seats. Nowadays, it continues to offer a full programme of theatre shows and is open for tourist visits. The modern university is related to the original institution in name only, although it occupies the former buildings of the Complutense. El Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares, a través de la Concejalía de Juventud e Infancia, organizó, en la tarde de ayer, un taller sobre Bulos y Verificación en la Casa de la Juventud, de la mano de #MalditaEduca y dirigido a la Red de Antenas Informativas del Centro de Información, Documentación y Asesoramiento Juvenil (CIDAJ). Although once in danger of disappearing, with only eleven pairs counted between 1986 and 1987, the population has grown to around 90 resident pairs today, many of which have shortened the distance and duration of their typical migrations to remain in the city nearly all year.[22]. Get around the city easily, quickly and economically with our tourist travel card which gives unlimited use of all public transport. In November I spent a weekend exploring the main monuments. Imparte titulaciones oficiales de grado, además de titulaciones oficiales de postgrado, doctorados, estudios propios y cursos de …
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