In 1951, a draft design was prepared, but development was discontinued in favor of later versions. This may filter out few upcoming tanks that are being tested. Tank stats The Best Performing Tanks Highest Relative WR. When I drive it, though, Ive been getting my booty kicked. Not even close to. I was wondering if the St. Emil and the Waffentragers were good or should I get the JPanther and go up that tech tree line. The first German tank, the Pz. i personmally played both and kept the AMX-100. armor inspector Emil I penetration ... Armor Inspector is an application for World of Tanks game, including PC, Blitz and Console versions. But you can’t read that from a chart like this. This tank marks the start of the Swedish heavy tanks and sets motion for the bases and playstyle of these tanks, featuring great depression angles, powerful autoloading armament, and strong, sloped, oscillated turrets with decent autoloaders, though it lacks accuracy, the aim time is long, and the dpm isn’t very good. Emil 1 equipment. The Stürer Emil is a Tier VII German Tank Destroyer. This page is a work in progress. 1 Strategy 1.1 Pros 1.2 Cons 2 Specifications 2.1 General 2.2 General 3 Ammo 4 Historical Gallery GUN DEPRESSION (15 degrees gun depression is massive) Good alpha Terrible armor (although most HE shells cannot penetrate the St. Emil frontally) Sluggish tank overall Low ammo capacity Painful top gun grind The EMIL 1951 is a Swedish tier 8 premium heavy tank. German tanks require decent skill to use, as you are unable to just RNG BOOM your way out of sticky situations. 1. The most OP tanks of all times Including premium tanks. Emil I Anonymous - posted in General Discussion: Hi, Im Cletus, and I suck at [writing] the Emil I. Im hearing from all over how awesome the tank is, and I dont doubt its awesomeness by how much damage red Emil Is have done to me. But I think this balances out the tank very well because of the uber-overpowered top gun. Jump to content. At the moment I am running Vents GLD Vstab plus food because the aim time is atrocious. All the graphs are based on battles played during update 7.7 only (not cumulative data). World of Tanks weak spots can be difficult to learn and very time consuming. Player WR denotes the tank’s players' average WR across all the tier IX tanks during the update. The graph shows the tanks with the highest Relative WR.That is the average of players' WR in a tank compared to their average WR at the tier (in all same tier tanks). I love the Kran, but I rarely do well in it. I like the Kranvagn, but... - posted in General Discussion: Playing in Tier X is just so much harder than in IX. Reply. Blitz Emil I - read more about Emil I, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android The only thing that the Emil is known for is its incredible 128mm gun, so boost its gun stats as much as possible. In 1952, three heavy tank projects were proposed. The Emil 1 is a combination of strong ridge-line armour and a burst autoloader, the complete opposite of the AMX 50 100 and more akin to the T69's play style. This page includes information about the German tank line. The turret isnt indestructible but can pull some crazy bounces. Who would win in 1 on 1 brawl depends on too many variables. Fight in 7vs7 team battles alone or with friends, research and upgrade armored vehicles, experiment with different tactics and win. Emil is thus undeniably OP. AMX-100 has firepower but lacks armor. I do like this tank though. Report Save. German tanks are famous for their accuracy, fast reload, low alpha and flat armor (although, of course, there are exceptions). Emil lacks firepower but has armor. Average WR. The Wargaming WoT Blitz Wiki is extremely outdated, and the FANDOM Wargaming Wiki's WoT Blitz section barely has any content at all. VIII. I have a 7 skill crew with both vision perks should I swap the GLD for optics instead? I know that on WOT PC it carries this aspect with it, but was wondering if it was implemented into Blitz as well. The EMIL 1952 E2 was the second variant. It barely fits into the TOP 10. The Emil I is a Tier VIII Swedish Heavy Tank. The Emil I and subsequent tanks are built around their excellent gun depression, strong turrets, and auto-loading guns. The St. Emil: the Saint of Death - posted in German Tanks: Sture Emil gets a lot of hate because it is super slow and absolutely no armor. VIII Emil I; VIII Progetto 46; VIII Škoda T 27; Armor profile; Armor performance; Tactics; Historical Reference ; Configuration. Tanks database and tips for World of Tanks Blitz FAQ; About; en | ru; If you like the project, consider supporting it on Patreon or take a look at our Merch store EMIL 1951 — Tier VIII European heavy tank. This wiki is designed to help the Blitz players who want some guidance on the game. All i need is a nice peek and the chance to empty the clip of 1.800 damage into an enemy. Unless the player is skilled, it is better to play Churchill 1 as 2nd line support tank rather than a first line pusher, considering the ease with which the Churchill 1 gets detracked, but the gun has good accuracy and penetration. level 2. The most OP tank of all the times is of course the legendary Type 98 Ke-Ni Otsu.It was released with wrong parameters and never sold since. Design solutions used for the French AMX 13 tank influenced the project, which is obvious from the design of the turret. Average WR. Wot emil 1. Only tanks with more than 400 players are listed. A variant of the heavy tank developed for the Swedish army under the EMIL project in the 1950s. This may filter out few upcoming tanks that are being tested. It is a compilation of facts that others have found. Weekly battles with the best tanks, and gameplay. This graph shows tier IX Heavy Tanks ranked by players' average WR in the tanks. Thanks! Emil I (Tier 8) Shifting after from the medium part of this Swedish tank line is the Emil 1 which is the first heavy tank for the Swedes. A prototype of the heavy tank developed for the Swedish army under the EMIL project in the 1950s. I agree though that a lot of tech tree tanks, mediums in particular, are subpar. Thanks so much for watching I hope U enjoyed this video please don't forget to leave like and subscribe. IVc and the Nashorn. Social Justice Wanker. In fact, the gun depression is so amazing, it allows the use of tactics other tanks could only dream of. Both tanks have their pros and cons. Run double rations. - posted in The Barracks: Need some advice on what equipment to use. We simply want to make it easier to find all the facts by putting it all on one wiki. Also the AMX is much more mobile, which is, in my opinion, much more worth than armor. These weak spot guides here on WoT Guru go into great detail specific weak spots that take into account effective armor values and unlike other places will list weak spots based on both vertical/horizontal angles on armor to get a true value of the armor’s effectiveness. St. Emil or JPanther? With the stock gun and 75% crew, it was barely bearable, so I finally broke down and free xped the top gun. EMIL 1951. The graph shows tier VII Tank Destroyers by Relative WR.That is the average of players' WR in a tank compared to their average WR at the tier (in all same tier tanks). Armor, guns, mobility, tanks sizes and many others. Sturer Emil - posted in German Tanks: Can anyone confirm that the Sturer Emil only has 15 rounds of ammo when equipped with the 12.8 cm Kanone 40? Original Poster 4 months ago. I dont need the armor. The legendary tank shooter. Blitz Emil I - read more about Emil I, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android Player WR denotes the tank’s players' average WR across all the tier VIII tanks during the update. Search Advanced. Armor Inspector is available online, on mobiles iOS/Android and on PC. • World of Tanks: Blitz is cross-platform and runs on iOS, Android, Windows 10, Mac OS, and Steam. Provisions. But is Emil I the most OP tank in the game all-time - including the premium tanks? level 2. Ive been trying to play second line, hull down, at least at the beginning of the match. - posted in German Tanks: I have the Nashorn and want to get a tier German TD. The Sturer Emil is somewhat of a departure from the previous two German tank destroyers, the Pz.Sfl. I had no problem in my Emil II, but dominating the same way in the Kran is just a lot harder to do. Competes with. The development was preceded by deep scientific research—all required characteristics were calculated using complex formulas. Only tanks with more than 400 players are listed. Choose a tank and join the battle! This graph shows VIII Premium Tanks ranked by players' average WR in the tanks. One thing for sure: without good DPM it's better to stay in the group or keep your distance. Armor Inspector can show you armor thickness models (World of Tanks collision models), displays crew and modules locations, including ammo racks, fuel tanks, engines. The Best Performing Tanks Highest Relative WR. Share. Depending on the armor and mounted engine, the weight of the vehicle varied from 34 to 39 tons. Thanks. Sure the Emil is slow, but the ability to repair modules twice can change the outcome of a battle tremendously. Emil 1 has slightly higher WR than the WZ fake tank which is regarded as OP, while the Emil has quite the grind with a subpar stock gun. Unlike its predecessors, it has absolutely no problems with gun depression.
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