gentille, masc. An old book, an old friend, an old car, a white paper, a white car. { adjective } La belle femme est gentille. Vous êtes gentil – You are kind; Feminine and Masculine . If you still feel confused about noun gender in French, feel free to check out this lesson right here. Montrez que la meilleure approche consiste à faire preuve de fermeté, mais de douceur, et à réduire la durée de manipulation sans que cela nuise à la sécurité de l'oiseau. Do you really want to remove #bookConfirmation#and corresponding bookmarks? Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary. gentil translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'gentil organisateur',gentillet',génital',génial', examples, definition, conjugation un chapeau gris (a grey hat) – deux chapeaux gris (two grey hats) il est vieux (he is old) – ils sont vieux (they are old). Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. IPA: ʒɑ̃.ti, /ʒɑ̃ti/; Gender: masculine; Type: adjective, noun; Copy to clipboard. Retrieved from " ". b) Singular to plural example: C’est mon chat blanc (this is my white cat) becomes: Ce sont mes chat s blanc s (these are my white cats). gentilles (French) Adjective gentilles. gentile. Pronunciation . adverbe. Look for the translation of Gentille from French to English in the ponS online dictionary. CliffsNotes Study Guides are written by real teachers and teachers, so CliffsNotes, regardless of what you are studying, relieve your pain homework and help you score points in exams. There is no warranty for the data. avoir un coeur en or. Here's how you say it. Add s for plurals. v. être très gentil, généreux, sensible aux autres. Ends in an e. Ends in an s. add e for feminine/ add s for plurals. With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for gentil and thousands of other words. 51. Brazilian Portuguese: gentil; Chinese: 仁慈的; European Spanish: bondadoso; French: bienveillant; German: liebenswürdig; Italian: benevolo; Japanese: 思いやりがある; Korean: 인정 많은; European Portuguese: gentil; Latin American Spanish: bondadoso; Thai: ใจดี gentil (also: fin, amical, amicaux, aimable, chaleureuse, amène, sympas, fine, gentille, gentilles) 1. French Etymology. Irregular Plural Adjectives in French 1. You can complete the translation of gentil given by the French Synonyms dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, French-Synonyms dictionary : translate French words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. Examples: Masculine+Singular: Un vase bleu; Masculine+Plural: Des vases bleus; Feminine+Singular: Une balle bleue ends in vowel. An adjective is a word that you add to another (the name) to get more information about it, which is why we call it an adjective because it is Added.New books (new books) , new cars (new cars because car in French in woman) (you also notice here that « the » plural is « one » or « one »). “Une voiture” is a feminine singular noun (a car is feminine in French, and there is only one car here). French Translation. French Masculine, Feminine, Plural Rules. They had a Nice Elsas to leave with their sauerkraut. gentil (feminine singular gentille, masculine plural gentils, feminine plural gentilles) helpful, kind; pleasant, amiable, nice; attractive, pretty; also derogative, in the sense of superficial, esp. Le jeune président. gentil adj mf adjetivo de una sola terminación: Adjetivos de una sola terminación en singular ("amable", "constante") pero que sí varían en plural ("amables", "constantes"). plaisant, charmant, brave, obligeant, mignon, aimable, bon, joli, agréable, chic, gracieux, complaisant, généreux, aimable, doux, délicat, attentionné, acrimonieux, non-juif, renégat, impie, hétérodoxe, infidèle, apostat, avoir un bon fond, être tout sucre tout miel, qualifiait les anciens païens, par opposition aux juifs et aux chrétiens, qui est plein de grâce, de délicatesse morale, de douceur, ancien païen, par opposition aux juifs et aux chrétiens, plante à fleurs rouges ou blanches, de la famille des daphnéidées comprenant plusieurs espèces dont le daphné vénéneux et vésicant, Collaborative Dictionary     French Synonyms, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. le gentil noun. Other ways to learn and remember the sex of the French words Feminine Nomen fine. Pronunciation. gentiment. Practical examples. To use French adjectives correctly you need to know: a) the most common adjectives; b) how to form masculine, feminine and plural Unlike English, most French adjectives are placed according to the nouns that change them. Open Multilingual Wordnet. les moins gentilles. If you’ve already learned a bit of French, then you’ll already know about the dreaded feminine and masculine words and you might have even heard of adjective agreement. If the color is formed by two words, no (s) either and finally if the object described has … However, many common adjectives precede the noun. gentil. They must agree in gender and number with nouns (e.g. pl. feminine plural of gentil. For example, in French, cars are women! Il est généralement placé après le nom et s'accorde avec le nom (ex : un ballon bleu, une balle bleue). French adjectives must correspond to the person speaking, so a man is “grand” (tall) while a woman is “grande”. This rules applies to most of colors besides few exceptions. Courageous Malins Friendly Friendly Patient Friendly Fort SeriousLy Bad Snob Stupid Shy Tease. Nice n Noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. If you use more than one adjective to describe a Nov, you should also follow the investment rules. bon comme la romaine. Translations in context of "gentil" in French-English from Reverso Context: très gentil, si gentil, gentil garçon, pas gentil, vraiment gentil : des choses importantes). très => Unknown word for which there is no suggestion available. Le beau prince. Adjectives ending in “-s” and “-x” don’t change. Some adjectives, however, are ahead of the nostantif. gentil. Automatically generated examples in French: "Nicolas Bertrand, ancien président d’ALAJ ne cache pas son émotion et son chagrin : Je viens de perdre une vice-présidente et une amie dévouée, gentille, toujours à l’écoute des autres. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. gentils, fem. Note that you can use the old entries as adjectives, and they must match the nouns that change them: most French adjectives follow the name they change, for example the White House (the White House). The big man. We have categories to separate them. French Adjective Agreement Gentil An exception to the plural rule occurs when the male singular form of the adjective ends with an « x, » in which case the plural form is exactly the same as the male singular form. A new book aims at a new friend (a new friend), because « friend » begins with a vowel. add e for feminine/ add s for plurals. IPA (key): /ʒɑ̃.ti/ Adjective. 2. Forming Adjectives Gender With most adjectives, add to the male singular shape to make it feminine. Adjectives ending in “-eau” use “-x” for their plural form. Female singular: She is lazy, she is brave, she is happy. Demuestre que la técnica correcta es ser firme pero gentil para minimizar el tiempo de manipulación, sin poner en riesgo la seguridad. Le grand homme. vänlig. The final section of this lesson on adjectives that go before nouns in French is about seeing the adjectives and nouns in action. Let’s look at how this … ; a black cat, a black cat → a black shirt and a black shirt; a heavy heavy bag, a heavy bag → a heavy suitcase and a heavy suitcase; If the adjective already ends in a -e in the mascule, do not add another -e. a yellow bag a yellow bag → a yellow shirt a yellow shirt Did it break down? gentil translate: kind, good, pussycat, kind, nice, sweet, thoughtful, gentile. Most words with other extremities are masculine. (persona: amable, atenta) aimable, poli adj adjectif: modifie un nom. In plural, a silent s is added as in bleus (masculine+plural) and as in bleues (feminine+plural). (fem. adj. Except for words that end with -age, -ege, -e or ism (these endings often indicate masculine words). This is valuable because you can improve your understanding on adjectives that go before nouns in French through examples. A beautiful tree (a beautiful tree), a beautiful book, a beautiful girl Gender rules for ending male and female adjectives can be very confusing. Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #47015 > Other French exercises on the same topics: Adjectives | Beginners [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Possessive adjectives - Place des adjectifs - Ordinal adjectives - Adjectives agreement - Accord des adjectifs qualificatifs - Adjectifs masculins-féminins - Accord de l'adjectif composé - Féminin et pluriel des adjectifs ends in consonant. Collaborative Dictionary French Synonyms. non-juif. If you have questions, suggestions or if you have found a mistake, please send us an The word book is a nostantif to add more information about it, we can say « a green paper « , green is the adjective; the same for:A great guy (a great guy), great guys (big boys).-Old has 2 male shapes: old and old for the same reason. 2. Most words that end in -e or ion. IPA: /ʒɑ̃ti/ Pronunciation example: audio; Adjective gentil (masc.) Irregular adjectives with a discernible pattern according to masculine endings. extrêmement bon ou gentil, d'une bienveillance extrême ; voué à subir une situation désagréable. As you can see from the example above, the adjective comes after the noun and also takes the plural form. “Des voitures” is a feminine plural noun (more than one car), therefore, the adjective “bleu” will also be feminine plural. Details / edit. gentil in Croatian translation and definition "gentil", French-Croatian Dictionary online être gentil, gentille, gentille, gent. The handsome prince. The placement of adjectives in French is usually different from English, except for some notable exceptions. How would you describe your car? Look up the French to English translation of gentille in the PONS online dictionary. An exception to the plural rule occurs when the male singular form of the adjective ends with an « x, » in which case the plural form is exactly the same as the male singular form.
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