The aluminum and other chemicals in standard deodorant have been linked to breast cancer.Even the crystal deodorants (which I … As always, feel free to add a few drops of your favorite essential oils if you so desire. I’d slowly like to build my homemade collection. in Grooming / Beauty , Health , Homesteading , Sustainability . I’ve been using it over a year and I still love it. Reddit for DIY beauty like homemade soap, toothpaste, soap etc. Not to mention the health benefits of eliminating chemicals from your health and beauty routine. Apply 2 spritzes to each underarm. Homemade deodorant is one of the most natural zero waste swaps you can make. 0 comments. (If air-tight, deodorant will last up to 3-6 months.) Regular deodorants can be pretty nasty. And if it works, it can save you tons of money in the long run. Sustainability, Travel Tips Mary Krogh March 5, 2019 deodorant, recipe, made, homemade, tiny living, eco friendly, green living 11 Comments Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit … Instructions. hide. It is an effective deodorant for me, and the only deodorant I have found that does not have ingredients that I wish to avoid, does not irritate my skin, and … Continue reading "Homemade Deodorant for Sensitive Skin – a new recipe" share. Pour into a clean, air-tight jar. I want to make my homemade toothpaste and deodorant. Allow drying (about a minute) before putting clothes on. save. Homemade deodorant recipes are a great alternative to standard deodorants. 1/3 cup bakingsoda. Much to the dismay of my coworkers and loved-ones, I’ve been spending the better part of a year experimenting with DIY deodorant. Unanswered. In a fine mist sprayer, add 2 teaspoons of distilled vinegar and 1/4 cup ethanol alcohol. I want a sub dedicated to advice and tips. Mix well. report. 8-10 drops essential oil. The real question, though, is whether I could find a homemade natural deodorant recipe that … Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Homemade Solid Deodorant For Sensitive Skin (Without Baking Soda) Ingredients. Last year I wrote about a homemade natural deodorant recipe for sensitive skin. Add the coconut oil and the essential oils to the dry ingredients. Method: Measure out the baking soda and cornstarch and mix together in a bowl. 76% Upvoted. Shake well.
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