from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey. Why people left Jersey for Australia in the 19th century, how the cod fishing industry in Canada had an impact on Jersey's population and why workers from the UK were essentail to Jersey's economy. This article by Mike Bisson is partly based on Old Family names of the Channel Islands by Frank Le Maistre, previously published twice in the journal of the Channel Islands Family History Society. Hunterdon County, New Jersey Historical Facts [edit | edit source] Parent County [edit | edit source]. Until 1839 there were only about 2,000 immigrants in New Zealand; by 1852 there were about 28,000. It has been estimated that as many as 6,000 people may have left the Channel Islands for Australia between 1852 and 1855. 3,788 were here. Gambino Crime Family. In other circumstances in France the process works the other way round and descendants of a noble family who established satellite communities in the area surrounding the family seat added their own forename to that of the principal community. Smith is an English-language surname originating in the British Isles. Names associated with locations, used to distinguish between one Nicolas and the next by identifying which town in Normandy (or elsewhere) they originated from, were more likely to be carried through the generations. North America; Region. Here are some quick links to our suggestions. Hover or click the route to display more information. and … Although most would now use the pronunciation le fever, there are still those who adhere to the French le feuvre. Jersey fitted somewhere in the middle, introducing family names, doubtless mainly imported from Normandy, in the 11th century. En Español David Brearly, New Jersey Brearly (Brearley) was descended from a Yorkshire, England, family, one of whose members migrated to New Jersey around 1680. Official Boss: Unknown. Just as Jersey’s Portuguese community, which assembled in the island in the last four decades of the 20th century, originates mainly in Madeira, so word-of-mouth brought French originaires from particular areas, such as Nantes in Brittany and the Poitou region of south-west France. Indeed, a rather eccentric distant relative, Robert Chalmers Bisson, actually changed the spelling of his name to Besau, which perhaps he thought fitted better with the biblical quotations with which he daubed the walls of his Mont Cochon house. As far as he was concerned, Le Cornu was corr-noo and not caw-niou; Le Lièvre should be lee-evre with the two syllables merged as far as possible into one, and not leever’; Lucas was loo-kaa to him, and not loo-kus; Mauger should be mow-gerr, not major; and Vibert vee-berr not vybut. Canada, thanks to Jersey's long association with the Gaspé, was probably the principle destination for local emigrants seeking new opportunities in the 19th century. 300 were attached to the Irish rifles and served at the Front. For families of Dutch descent, throughout Colonial times in New York and New Jersey, it was customary for parents to name the first two boys after the husband’s father and the wife’s father; and to name the first two girls after the husband’s mother and the wife’s mother. To use: Simply select a century to display the major movements during that period. The late 20th and early 21st century has seen a rise in the Polish Community in Jersey with individuals being employed in the hospitality and agriculture industries. Old money is "the inherited wealth of established upper-class families " or "a person, family, or lineage possessing inherited wealth". The number of French individuals in the Island more than doubled between 1851 and 1881 with an influx of agricultural labourers moving to the Island from Normandy and Brittany. Whether or not these were two families, or one and the same, it seems likely that the family name was added to that of an existing village when the family settle there. A popular source of surnames was the occupation of the holder. He was fighting a losing battle, for there are few, if any, who would pronounce the common Jersey surname Voisin vwa-zan (as the French for neighbour), rather than voy-zin. Indeed, names such as Philippe were so common that several cousins alive at the same time would be distinguished as Philippe fs Jean, Philippe fs Philippe, and Philippe fs Martin, and these were perpetuated in surnames, which were the same as baptismal names. The early Bissons were actually Buisson or de Buisson (a form which still exists in Normandy but not in Jersey) which indicated that they lived in a bush or thicket; the first du Val, or Duval would have been found in a valley; de la Mare lived by a pond. A local tradition catering to families & friends for over 50 years. King John lost all his territories in mainland Normandy in 1204 to King Philip II Augustus, but retained possession of Jersey and the other Channel Islands. Most records are housed at the Passaic County, New Jersey Genealogy Courthouse. My French teacher at Victoria College, a John Hamon, was an immigrant to Jersey, not, as might be thought of someone with such a common local surname, born in the island. Family History is a journey through our past in which we use archive records to meet the ancestors who have shaped not just our features but also our personalities, values and everyday lives. What people are saying - Write a review. Islanders were given free passage given to New Zealand and c. 400 people left the Island. World Related places: Region. Over 6,000 served in total including approximately 2,300 Frenchmen who lived in Jersey and enlisted in the French forces. Author of Genealogies of New Jersey Families. Please support Jerripedia with a donation to our hosting costs,, Detailed explanations of the origins of many individual surnames will be found on their, A Frenchman’s examination of the proliferation and meaning of. It is a fallacy that all names of apparent French origin in the islands orginated in Normandy. However, those with the surname Simon are more likely to pronounce it see-maw than sy-monn as the forename is pronounced today. An important group of surnames is based on where an individual lived. They left without money, but took with them many skills, establishing small businesses in the Island. We have de Carteret, which for many years was Jersey’s leading family and whose ancestors popped across the water from Carteret on the Normandy coast; the Le Bretons came from Brittany; the Normans, of course, from Normandy. With large illegal profits to gain many members became bootleggers and were i… Labourers from around the UK came to work in Jersey as part of the major construction project to build St Catherine’s Breakwater. The finance industry in Jersey attracts people from around the world, but especially from the UK and off-shore jurisdictions. Traditionally Jersey has enjoyed tax benefits which attract High Value Residents who continue to come to Jersey. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1996 - Reference - 2226 pages. The Edict of Nantes in 1598 granted the Huguenots the right to practice their religion without persecution from the State. There were large Jersey communities in Boston and Salem. This map shows the movement of people to and from Jersey from the 16th century to modern day. by Chambers, Theodore Frelinghuysen, 1849-1916. World of ABC, The Waldo School 110 1st St, Jersey City, NJ 07302 201-721-6000 JCFamilies Address: JCFamilies Inc. 121 Newark Avenue, Suite-529 Jersey City-NJ-07302 The problem was really only overcome in the late 18th century, when two or more baptismal names started to be given, some considerable time after the practice became widespread in France. Assists members with their own research. Gold Rush fever! The name originally derives from smio or smip, the Old English term meaning one who works in metal, related to the word smitan, the Old English form of smite, which also meant strike (as in early 17th century Biblical English: the verb to smite meaning to hit). It shows at a glance the global reach of this 118 square kilometre Island. The original Le Gros must have been somewhat overweight; Le Brun either had brown hair or a dark skin; Le Roux was a redhead. Political upheaval in Europe meant that migrants left Russia, Poland, Hungary and Italy for safer places such as Jersey. A starting point for those beginning to trace their ancestry, each booklet focuses on a specific family name and contains information compiled from census, marriage, death, cemetery and funeral records. Irish Potato famine had a devastating effect in Ireland, those lucky enough to escape moved around the world, this included Jersey. During The Great War 862 Jerseymen died. We use cookies to provide statistics that help us give you the best experience of our site. Amuso informed them in 2017 that DeSanis was their new boss and if they didn’t cooperate, they’d be killed. My father preferred biss’n, whereas others adopted a pronunciation to rhyme with the Biblical esau. French Wars of Religion between Catholic and Protestant (Huguenots) meant that many Huguenots fled France to Protestant Countries particularly after the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. Other names, such as Deslandes and De La Lande, which the so-called experts have claimed to have Jersey origins, can now be shown to have existed in France before they appear in any Jersey records. La Ville Bagot, La Poudretterie, La Ville ès Rénauds, La Chouquetterie and Le Val ès Reux will doubtless endure for ever, although there are not Bagots, Poudrets, Rénauds, Chouquets and Reux left in the island. Although the spelling of most of the old names has now been standardised, pronunciation can still vary considerably. HILLSIDE, New Jersey (WABC) -- A heartbroken family from New Jersey who recently said goodbye to a loved one is now grappling with even more emotional pain. The early Germans of New Jersey : their history, churches, and genealogies. French agricultural workers continued to move to the Island in the first part of the 20th century. Still there was a sizeable number of Shipman families living in the northern New Jersey area for the next two hundred and fifty years. Dr Le Maistre, undoubtedly the greatest authority on Jèrriais or Jersey Norman-French in his lifetime, believed strongly in adhering to the old pronunciation of Jersey surnames, although many would challenge his assertion that Hacquoil was still pronounced Hacou, as it once was. Find a place Browse the old maps. A MCGS membership form can be found here The dues are $25 a year. Asia; Region. Underboss: Unknown. Whole fiefs were named after the original seigneur, other locations were named after a family which lived nearby. Had the choice existed in the earliest days of forenames and surnames, many might never have seen the light of day, for they could be far from flattering, as we shall discover, yet are still in common use today. They are not like the nouveau riche, whose wealth came fairly recently as a result of business and investment successes. Retired Indian Army officers came from India, the East Indies and Ceylon to settle in Jersey. Young adults leave Jersey to follow new job opportunities or to attend university. Current Leadership Charts of the Five Families. Antarctica; Region. A 168-year-old lifeline for many families is staggering under financial strain By Harold Brubaker, The Philadelphia Inquirer 6/5/2020. Jersey people were already emigrating to America seeking opportunities for construction work and the purchase of land, when the California Gold Rush started in 1848. Most counties transferred all records to the Probate Court, but in some circumstances, Court of Common Pleas records should be searched for records prior to 1852. Hale, House & Related Families, mainly of the Connecticut River Valley. Many Portuguese people settled on the Island and today Jersey has a thriving Portuguese community. Collates and indexes the contents of the many sources of genealogical records. ISBN-10: 0806314915. Genealogies of New Jersey Families: From the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey. Anti Clerical Laws in France led to the arrival of a number of teaching and nursing orders in the Island from 1880 onwards such as the de la Salle brothers and Little Sisters of the Poor. Today there are so many forenames in common circulation that most people never use their middle name except when filling in official forms. But in some instances it is difficult to know which came first – the place name or the family name. An ancestral chart and handbook : genealogical notes of the Sutton and Rittenhouse families of Hunterdon County, New Jersey: 243: View all Hunterdon Stories, Memories & Histories (28) Featured Hunterdon Data Collections. Decades later, they tell the story of how a now-101-year-old woman helped bring peace to families of … Search the directory and map, and find attractions and venues near you. 18th century merchants followed the triangular cod trade route leaving Jersey to trade in the Gaspé and Newfoundland, the West Indies and the Mediterranean. Some historians make no attempt to revert in translations to the original surname. Marriage records of Hunterdon County, New Jersey, 1795-1875: 336: Spellings have changed more frequently than the pronunciation of a name, but variations are regularly found in both in the Channel Islands. This practice can provide clues to identifying individuals and placing them in correct families. Perhaps understandably the anglicised version, which would be sewer has never caught on. English fishing companies also participated in the Gorey Oyster fishing industry which employed at least 2,000 men and many more women and children. But those which have died out, and there are many, have done so not because they were deemed objectionable by the owners, but because male lines have been extinguished and there has been nobody left to pass the name to. So we find Le Couteur, derived from Le Cousteur, the Norman for Church sacristan; Le Feuvre from the French for smith; Le Marquand or Le Marchand, the merchant; Le Sueur the shoemaker (pronunced today sweer which is much closer to the old Jèrriais than the French of today. New Jersey Faction Boss: Nicholas "Nicky Mita" Mitarotonda. Booklets can be … There are certainly places in France which were named after a family which settled there, having brought its name from elsewhere. Consigliere: Michael “Mickey Boy” Paradiso. Some information for this site has been re-produced and adapted from Mark Boleat's Jersey's Population - A History, which is available to buy from the Société Jersiaise. Jewish Families in Manchester, Salford - Prestwich 'UK' Titanic Survivors of Lifeboats Sixteen, A, B, C & D; American College & University Founders; American Revolution: Battle of Brandywine Creek (1777) American Revolution: Valley Forge (1777/8) Jonestown Massacre; Notable African Americans; Reich Refugees during Holocaust 1933-1945; State of Alabama Other names described a person’s character or status: Jeune (young), Le Riche (wealthy), Le Hardy (bold), Laffoley (crazy). It may be that many simply became unfashionable, although there is evidence to suggest that the more limited choice which leads to so much confusion for today's family historians was actually imposed by the Rectors of the time. 1714, formed in West Jersey including from part of Burlington County ; Boundary Changes [edit | edit source]. Old Monmouth County. In 1840 the Treaty of Waitangi was signed which gave British immigrants legal rights as citizens. Old rich families are those whose wealth have been merely inherited and passed down from generation to generation. The township of Nutley, New Jersey, accumulated a wealth of celebrated and eccentric people who over-shadowed the salt-of-the-earth folks who lived here, raised their families and built the town into the place that Norman Rockwell only dreamed of illustrating for the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. Trade opportunities in America, a lack of local commerce and the expense of the civil war meant that many people started a new life overseas. Learning more about our forbearers or the place in which we live allows us to make a real connection to the past and sometimes understand more about our present circumstances. You can use it at [stores that accept EBT. I confess that it took me a little while to remember that my long-time colleague Diane Simon, who outlasted me by many years at the Jersey Evening Post was Diane with a dee- but Simon with a sy-, rather than the other way round. Early supposed holders of a surname may never have been known as such in their lifetimes. In Jersey there were so many new residents that Jersey introduced an extra market day. Spring Lake Historical Society 5th and Warren Avenue Spring Lake 07762 Telephone: 732-449-0772 Monmouth County, New Jersey ancestry, family history, and genealogy research page. 101-Year-Old New Jersey Woman Shares Letters She Wrote To Families Of Prisoners Of War During World War II By Jenna DeAngelis March 10, 2021 at … He expressed surprise on his arrival that islanders sharing his surname would invariably pronounce it hamm-un, rather that the French humm-aw he had previously been used to. EBT card = a card that looks and works like a debit or credit card but is loaded with food stamps (also known as SNAP benefits) and/or cash benefits. ](/state/New Jersey/#approved-stores) You’ll get the Families First Card once you’re approved for benefits. Genealogy of Early Settlers in Trenton & Ewing, Old Hunterdon County, New Jersey. In early years there were undoubtedly more surnames in existence than there were forenames. Le Feuvre is today the accepted spelling for what could at one time be variously found as Lefebvre, Lefevre, Le Feyvre, Le Febure, and others. Workers were typically from Normandy and Brittany. Economic downturn – Jersey Banking Company and Charles Robin and Company both had to ‘close their doors’ in 1886 after it was found that Gosset the States Treasurer had been gambling with the funds. CLICK HERE TO Start your family history search, French Connections - Pierre Liron's Story →, British Connections - Half Pay Officers →, Canada Connections - Charles Robin's Story →. The ancestors of the Davis Families which settled in South Jersey came to this country in the years 1642-1660 in company with a large number of Welsh Baptist emigrants under the leadership of their Pastor John Miles. Polish-born Marta, who married Jersey man Craig De La Haye six years ago, was the best friend of murdered Isabela Rzeszowski, wife of the man suspected of carrying out the attacks. Click here for George Sutton Descendants: George Sutton, as a servant in the party of Nathaniel Tilden, sailed from England on the ship Hercules in 1634 and settled in Scituate, Massachusetts. Road trips rock! Sorting out members of one family from the other has proved a headach for genealogists ever since. South America; Old Maps Online. Jersey people were already emigrating to Australia, a British colony actively recruiting immigrants, when the Gold Rush started in 1851. For more detailed research please visit our Archive and Collections Online or visit the Jersey Archive. Families of Old Dover – Booklets. You may delete or block them at any time and further details can be found in our Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy. A 9-year-old girl living in the Jersey Shore area broke down in her virtual class and told her class she was “starving,” a local food bank said. The name Le Maistre has remained spelt in this way in Jersey, but although pronounced the same, it is more commonly spelt Le Maitre in Guernsey today. In general, when they were available, it … Share on Looking for Google Maps API Alternative? 3 Reviews. Indexed., Public Health Laws, and Acts of the One Hundred and Thirteenth Legislature of the State of New Jersey and Forty-Fifth Under the New Constitution In January 1920, Prohibition began and the United States government prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages. During the 1960s people from Spain came to work in Jersey's thriving hospitality and tourism industry. In this land were the Bowens, Bacons, Brooks, Davis, Barretts, and Sweineys, and perhaps others. During the 1960s there was an influx of workers from Portugal and Maderia who worked in the hospitality industry. Site by Switch Digital. The DeCavalcante crime family, also known as North Jersey Mafia, is an Italian-American organized crime family that operates mainly in northern New Jersey, particularly in Elizabeth; Newark, and the surrounding areas in North Jersey. The 19th century emigration to British colonies appealed to Jersey men and women with skilled trades and those experienced in agriculture. The arrows represent incoming or outgoing migrants. Estimated Membership: About 180 Made Members. User Review - Flag as inappropriate. Acting Boss: Lorenzo Mannino. Old Wall Historical Society 1701 New Bedford Rd Belmar, NJ 07719 Telephone: 732-974-1430 Website. A nonprofit org.based in Old Bridge, NJ for families affected by addiction and accompanying mental illness. The French Revolution led to a number of aristocrats and Catholic priests seeking refuge in Jersey. And we've got 30 ideas for NJ summer day trips that minimize the drive time and maximize the fun time. The Ocean County Historical Society Research Department is supporting a project, a series of booklets entitled Families of Old Dover. Surnames, which had been common in the Roman Empire, when every free man had three names, personal, family and surname, only began to emerge in the British Isles in the 12th century, lagging behind France which had begun to introduce them some 200 years earlier. Some records are on microfilm at the Ohio Genealogical Society and the Family History Library. First sons were named after their fathers with such regularity that to distinguish one Philippe from another it was often necessary to go back several generations, resulting in someone being known as Philippe, fils Philippe, fils Philippe, fils Philippe, fils Jean, not as a genealogical exercise but as a means of identification. Indexed., please sign up. from the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey.Volume I, Families A-Z, and Pre-American Notes on Old New Netherland Families. Earlier in the century political refuges such as Victor Hugo came to Island. History & Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, Connecticut, volume 1. Oceania; Region. Genealogies of New Jersey Families From the Genealogical Magazine of New Indexed Edition by New Jersey (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 4 ratings. This was revoked in 1685 and a large number of Protestants left France over the next two decades with several thousand finding new homes in Jersey. Because of its location between the cities of Philadelphia and New York, there were more Revolutionary War battles fought in New Jersey than in any other state. LACEY TOWNSHIP, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — Letters and postcards dating back to World War II have been unboxed in New Jersey. But initially, although nicknames may have been used to distinguish one Jean from another, there were not necessarily carried down from father to son, even as late as the 14th century. Trade links between Jersey and New England continued into the 18th century. So, for example, the d’Aubigny and d’Aubiné families to which many long-established Jersey families can trace their ancestry, were often referred to as de Albini. EBT = electronic benefits transfer. They consider themselves as high society and quasi … The French have converted most two-word surnames into a single word and Lemaitre is the version more likely now to be encountered in Normandy. Gold Rush fever! It is part of the nationwide criminal network known as the American Mafia. Emigration to British Colonies continued between 1871 and 1891 when over 6,000 individuals left the Island after the banking collapse. Other family names, including my own, have survived in the island since the 12th century or earlier, and are sufficiently numerous today to suggest that there is little danger of them becoming extinct. History & Genealogy of the Families of Old … ISBN. Care must also be taken when researching noble families of the Middle Ages and earlier because many official documents in both England and France (and the Channel Islands) at the time were written in Latin, and surnames were Latinized. All rights reserved. This bar-code number lets you verify that you're getting exactly the right version or edition of a book. Frankly, anything is acceptable to me other than bison, and I have yet to understand why the French mostly believe that I am enouncing my name as pisson. 1739, part formed into Morris County; 1838, part formed into Mercer County with more being added in 1839; 1844, Hopewell twp. This page was last modified on 10 July 2016, at 05:42. returned from Mercer County and Tewksbury twp. In the first half of the 20th century Jersey also had a low cost of living which encouraged individuals from the UK to settle in the Island. Lincroft, NJ 07738-0005. A number of merchants and apprentices travelled to America and settled. He chose law as a career and originally Jersey people were already emigrating to Australia, a British colony actively recruiting immigrants, when the Gold Rush started in 1851. They came from Swansea, Glamorgan Co., Wales and landed at Boston, Mass. Scholars variously surmise that Jersey and Jèrri derive from jarð (Old Norse for "earth") or ... and Norman families living on their estates established many of the historical Norman-French Jersey family names. There was a very limited choice of names with which to baptise children, or at least Jersey families chose to limit those choices by opting for names already current within their own family or branch of the family. In 1795 the Frenchmen of military age in the Island enlisted for an expedition to Quiberon – 3,500 were enrolled giving an idea of the numbers in Jersey at the time. By 1840 there were apparently 5,000 English residents in the Island. Charles Robin established the pattern of trade for Jersey firms with the firm based in Canada but the head offices based in Jersey. There were around 100 engagements between the American and … Langlois is pronounced longwa in Jersey (the original French version) but langlay in Guernsey. It operates on the opposite side of the Hudson River from the Five Families of New York, but it … So much easier to follow than the others I've read. By Anthony Buccino. Some of these names linger in island place names. Three-quarters of these were half-pay officers and their families. Early members of the New Jersey faction were under the control of New York City's Masseria family boss Joe Masseria. Some came from further afield, many brought to the islands by Huguenots fleeing religious persecution. Facebook. Nobody is quite sure why he gave the speech. There are many of these still in common use, such as Jean, Martin, Clement, Nicholas, Hamon, but the confusion could still reign when the Jean brothers all insisted in naming one of their sons Philippe; the existence of several cousins Philippe Jean being no less bewildering than several plain Philippes. As has already been indicated above, some families in turn gave their names to places in Jersey. At the end of Napoleonic Wars Jersey offered a mild climate and cheaper living. Many early islanders were given names based on their appearance, and these have remained in the family even though subsequent generations did not have similar features. By joining MCGS you can save $10 on the application fee for First Families of Old Monmouth County. Buffalo crime family (Magaddino family) Rochester crime family – defunct; New Jersey Share. In 1792 1,800 priests came to the Island with the number apparently increasing to 3,000. Monmouth County is said to have been sighted in 1524 by Giovanni da Verrazzano. Volume I, Families A-Z, and Pre-American Notes on Old New Netherland Families. Dr Le Maistre believed Hacquoil in Jersey, de Garis and Naftel in Guernsey, Drillot in Sark and Duplain in Alderney to be examples of names which had their origins locally. The Families First Card is New Jersey’s EBT card. It is, of course, for any individual to decide for themselves how their name should be pronounced, but we do not have the ability to choose our surname, if it ever existed, because it is now invariably passed down from father to child (or occasionally from the mother).
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