Assumption of Duty Dates. *SAP = Special Assistance Plan, IP = Integrated Programme, AEP/MEP/LEP = Elective program*Exp = Express, NA = Normal Academics, NT = Normal Technical Based on the indicative PSLE score ranges generated from the 2020 Secondary 1 Posting Exercise, there is a good spread of schools with COPs at every PSLE score from 6 to 30. Returning Singaporeans who would like to be admitted into Secondary 1 are advised to sit for the SPERS-Sec papers. indicative COP in AL terms in the first half of 2021. All done! 2022 Secondary 2 (O-Level Programme) 2022 Secondary 3 (O-Level Programme or Integrated Programme) The school does not accept new students for entry to Secondary 4. Autonomous school fees are collected which range from $3 to $18 per month, on top of second-tier miscellaneous fees. Please notice that unless specified otherwise the copyrights of all the articles and pictures in this blog belong to TheWackyDuo.Com. Submission must be completed by 10 am. MOE expects that about nine in 10 pupils will not need to undergo balloting. Is this a 'fake' Surgical Mask ? Thus, the COP is converted to the new point system to give some clarity to both students and parents. Get the ST Smart Parenting newsletter for expert advice. But how do we determine what is the cut off points for secondary school selection? But a log-in is still required for our PDFs. Parents are also encouraged to find out more about the schools' Applied Learning Programme, Learning for Life Programme, CCAs, culture and proximity to their home when making their school choices. New PSLE Scoring System. Under the simulation this year, the cut-off point ranged from 6 to 30. Indicate PSLE T-scores & grades and upload a scanned copy of the PSLE result slip by the third day from the release of PSLE results via the NUS High School Online Application Portal. Check out the top secondary schools in Singapore 2021 based on their Achievement Levels (AL) cut-off, as provided by MOE; The new PSLE scoring system will be used for the very first time this year, for Primary 6 cohort to get into secondary schools next year 0. Career with Us. indicative COP in AL terms in the first half of 2021. Parkway Centre could be the next potential cluster : Confirmed cases from Learning Point and RMSS, Free Swab test for visitors to JEM and Westgate Shopping Malls, Catholic High School Covid-19 case confirmed- Student has link to Learning Point, How to travel Smart and save with DBS Multi-Currency Account, The Wacky Duo | Singapore Family Lifestyle Travel Website, Kuo Chuan PSLE. As the 2020 PSLE cohort had their results in T-score terms, the PSLE score ranges are indicative only as they were simulated using the 2020 PSLE cohort results and pupils' school choices in that same year. It then added the AL scores for each PSLE subject to form a pupil's total PSLE score. PSLE 2021 grading changes: Parents should be cheerleaders, not critics. Post not marked as liked. Applying for admission via SIE is free. Secondary school … 0. //-->. Top secondary schools in Singapore 2018 based on PSLE COP 2017! This article is now fully available for you, Please verify your e-mail to read this subscriber-only article in full. This means that pupils would generally have a wider range of secondary schools to consider when choosing schools. For confirmation , do refer directly to source of content. Starting from the 2020 P5 cohort, schools will be presenting the school-based examination results of all P5 and P6 students in Achievement Levels (ALs) so that students and parents can become more familiar with the new scoring system. COPs may differ from year to year. INDICATIVE COPs 29 MOE first simulated each pupil's individual subject score in AL terms, based on their raw subject scores. This is sufficient time for the 2021 PSLE cohort to make their secondary school choices and choose to apply for DSA (Sec) if they wish. Share gift link below with your friends and family. 38. Lastly, having A or A* does not necessarily mean high T Scores, we had seen students scoring 3A and 1 A * with a score of 227 and a student with 4 A with a score of 250 Note: As 2020 is the first year where P5 students are using the AL system, the actual COP list based on AL-scores will only be released by MOE sometime in 2022 (the first P6 batch will take their psle in 2021) 2022 Secondary 1 (O-Level Programme or Integrated Programme)* (*Only Returning Singaporeans who did not take the PSLE are eligible for admission into Secondary 1 through these tests.) SINGAPORE - Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) entry scores for 139 secondary schools under a new scoring system were released by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Tuesday (April 27). Hence, citizenship status will be the first tie-breaker, followed by school choice order. $500/4 weeks. These AL COPs will be derived from the PSLE scores and choice patterns of the 2020 S1 posting exercise. PSLE 2021: What You Need To Know About The Changes. $600/5 weeks SA2>90 For 2022. it will be base on an entirely different scoring system ; ations like the Primary School Leaving Exa Entry Requirements. PSLE Cut Off Point (2021 Intake) Secondary Schools Exp NA NT IP/SAP/MEP/AEP Type Affiliated Schools COP Status; 1: July 2020 Exam Booster Camp. 2 likes. EXPRESS), PSLE COP for Secondary School Posting (NORMAL ACADEMIC), PSLE COP for Secondary School Posting (NORMAL TECHNICAL) Affiliated, latest cut off points according to points and locations, Full list of schools and case details with Covid19 cases in Singapore, CHIJ (Katong) Primary has confirmed Covid-19 case, Yuhua Primary School has student with positive Covid19 case. All rights reserved. Special Thanks to Mr Raymond Ng for spotting the last possible answer. Note: As 2020 is the first year where P5 students are using the AL system, the actual Canossian Secondary School. This means that pupils would have a range of school options at each PSLE score and could also consider schools with COPs that do not correspond exactly to their PSLE scores. For affiliated schools, the new entry scores will have additional information on the score range for pupils who are coming from affiliated primary schools. If your child is sitting for the PSLE this year, we hope that you will find the following information useful during this crucial period as your child […] All information published are accurate to the best of our abilities. 2024 Full Implementation of Full SBB. These schools follow the national syllabus, but offer a wider range of programmes to enhance the learning experience and develop the talents of their students. 198402868E. They are also advised to consider at least two to three schools where the pupil's PSLE score is better than the school's COP. Entrance Proficiency Tests. As choice order of schools will be a tie-breaker under the new Secondary 1 Posting System, MOE encourages parents and pupils to give careful consideration to the choices that they indicate on the Secondary 1 Option Form and choose schools that are a good fit for the learning needs of the student. the cut-off scores of all secondary schools here. phtthp. The PSLE score of the last pupil admitted to the school forms the indicative COP. Read 3 articles daily and stand to win ST rewards, including the ST News Tablet worth $398. Post not marked as liked 2 Official PSLE Cut Off Point for 2020 is announced. Have I been Scammed? Results will be released on 25th November 2020 (Wednesday). Parents should tap the available resources such as the schools' websites or MOE's platforms, including the PSLE-FSBB microsite and SchoolFinder online portal, for more details. Presbyterian Secondary School, St Anthony's $600/5 weeks SA2>90 . Top. This is similar to the practice under the T-score system. Parents and pupils should give careful thought to the choices that they indicate since choice order of schools will be a tie-breaker, after citizenship. The current Primary 1 cohort will be the first to sit for the PSLE under the new system. Students will no longer be need to achieve perfect scores to get into top secondary schools, under the new PSLE scoring system. Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month for the first 3 months. $500/4 weeks. The new system takes effect when this year's Primary 6 cohort applies to get into secondary schools next year. 285. 38. MOE has generated the indicative AL Cut-Off Point (COP) ranges for different school types, based on PSLE results and school choice patterns at … Their Related Courses ››. Foreign students who would like to be admitted into Secondary 1 should have sat for the PSLE examinations and would be admitted based on their PSLE scores. List of secondary schools with affiliations: To compare last year’s results, check out our 2019 PLSE Cut Off Points article. Based on our simulations, there were no schools where the last pupil admitted had a PSLE score of 4 or 5, and therefore no schools with COP of 4 or 5. (2022 Intake) To be updated . The indicative PSLE score ranges for individual secondary schools were then generated based on the PSLE scores of the first and the last pupil who would have been posted into the school under the simulation. Indicative PSLE Score Range and COP Secondary School Singapore 2021. Here is the latest secondary school rankings. There may also be those in the AL 4-7 range. Meeting the school's indicative COP does not guarantee a child's admission into the secondary school. Factors to consider when choosing a Secondary School Posting for 2022. psle cut off point 2020 kiasuparents will be released on,... Looks like they want to get for your PSLE your Twitter account community of parents who are passionate bringing. Pupils will continue to be posted based on academic merit, which means that the pupil with the better PSLE score will be admitted ahead of a student with a poorer PSLE score. This will help your child learn at a suitable pace when they progress to secondary school. Official PSLE Cut Off Point for 2020 is announced. Applying for a Teaching Position (without Teaching Qualifications) Application Procedures. Note that some of these autonomous schools are also Special Assistance Plan (SAP) schools which focus on nurturing bilingual and bicultural student… Top Secondary Schools In Singapore 2021 Based On PSLE COP . MOE addressed some frequently asked questions. Will new PSLE scoring system reduce stress and competition among pupils and parents? No. School Candidates. First cohort of P6 students undergo new PSLE scoring and Secondary 1 (S1) posting system. Pupils will be given Achievement Levels (AL) 1 to 8 for each subject, instead of grades like A* to E. A pupil's total PSLE score will be the sum of the AL of each of the four subjects. Find out more about the cut-off scores of all secondary schools here. They can read the article in full after signing up for a free account. Note: Click here to find out more about the new PSLE indicative scoring system. You have reached your limit of subscriber-only articles this month. Singapore students would be admitted based on their PSLE scores. Sec 1 2h /week. The gift link for this subscriber-only article has expired. The actual PSLE score range for a school for a particular year is not pre-determined, and may vary from year to year, depending on the PSLE results and school choice patterns of each P6 cohort. Visit the microsite for more. The PSLE results were released last Friday (22 November 2013); happy or sad the floodgate of emotions accumulated after many months of intense preparation cathartically opened for many a parent and child . The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is an annual national examination that is taken by candidates at the end of their final year of primary school education, in Singapore. PSLE COP for Secondary School Posting (Affliated 3 likes. 0. We have been experiencing some problems with subscriber log-ins and apologise for the inconvenience caused. Submit preferred secondary school choices online or at your child’s primary school by 3pm. Parents can use this for reference for … The PSLE is a useful checkpoint to gauge your child’s understanding of key concepts and academic strengths. 2020 PSLE Cut off Points. These AL COPs will be derived from the PSLE scores and choice patterns of the 2020 S1 posting exercise. Given this, it is possible for pupils with the school's COP score to be placed according to a tie-breaker. 2020 will be the last year of having aggregate T-scores to determine PSLE performance before we move on to a new scoring system based on Achievement Levels (ALs). In addition, if there are two or more pupils with the same PSLE score vying for the last place in the school, pupils will be placed according to the tie-breakers, in the order of citizenship, school choice order and computerised balloting. Tentative Date of final school posting date is late November or early December. Pupils will be given Achievement Levels one to eight for each subject, instead of grades like A* to E. were released by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Tuesday (April 27). This includes finding out about various schools' programmes or initiatives, co-curricular activities (CCAs), ethos and culture as well as home-school distance. The PSLE score ranges for the individual schools were simulated using the 2020 P6 cohort's PSLE results and school choices. This year, instead of the usual 3 digit Cut Off Points (COP), it will be replaced by a new scoring system that will be used for 2022 intake. This is the updated secondary school ranking list (2020 PSLE Cut off points) based on the 2020 PSLE intake. The revised PSLE scoring system in 2021 will help your child focus on their learning instead of how they compare to others. New PSLE scoring system: MOE releases cut-off points for Singapore's secondary schools, New PSLE scoring system: 5 questions about secondary school cut-off points, New PSLE scoring system: List of all S'pore secondary schools' entry and cut-off points, PSLE entry scores: How parents can use the data to pick the right school, PSLE entry scores explained: No need for perfect results to get into top sec schools | THE BIG STORY, Picking a secondary school under the new PSLE scoring system, PSLE scoring system changes: 8 burning questions answered. We spotted the 2016-2020 PSLE English ORAL TOPICS! INDICATIVE COPs 23 PSLE 2021: Secondary School Posting Date. There are COP lists in other forum threads but it does not apply to the new scoring system. 2 students per slot -Only taking sec students from day 1 of sec 1 : December -N o enrolment for sec 2 ,3, 4 new joinees unless they are my sec 1 follow ups. Teacher Training Scheme for Art, Music, Chinese Language, Tamil Language. Using these simulated PSLE scores and pupils' school choices from 2020, MOE simulated their posting outcomes based on the new Secondary 1 Posting System and its tie-breakers - in the order of citizenship, choice order of schools and computerised balloting. Off points August 14, 2020 found here PSLE COP > 250 kiasu parents PSLE 2020 2020-10-12 258! Sec 2 2h / week. This is sufficient time for the 2021 PSLE cohort to make their secondary school choices and choose to apply for DSA (Sec) if they wish. The indicative PSLE score ranges were generated based on the pupils' PSLE results and school choice patterns at the most recent 2020 Secondary 1 Posting Exercise. The simulation is indicative and the actual PSLE score ranges for a particular year is not pre-determined, and may vary from year to year, depending on the previous year's pupils' results and choices in the Secondary 1 Posting Exercise. Secondary School Open House 2020 Goes Virtual. [CDATA[// >