Close Saved pages Address: Sofia 1407, 55 Nikola Vaptzarov Blvd, EXPO 2000, Phones: (+359 2) 91562 33, (+359 2) 91562 26, (+359 2) 91562 17, (+359 2) 91562 32, Phones: (+ 359 2) 91 985 370, 91 985 261, 91 985 774. In case the card has been lost or stolen, the user is under the obligation to report this immediately to the Contact Center of Raiffeisen banka to the phone number 011/3202-800 operating around the clock (24/7). Online chat. We set up 24 specialized Business Centers in order to be closer to you at any time and to support the successful implementation of your projects. Email: Utilizarea modulelor cookie. 072 62 62 62. Here you can bookmark favorite pages for later by clicking on the “Save” button at the top of the page. We also have access to the vast wealth of research available in the Raiffeisen Bank International Group on the markets in CEE, including Russia. H. Stepic Charity The H. Stepic CEE Charity provides a lifeline for vulnerable children and disadvantaged adolescents and women in Central and Eastern Europe Contact us. Call is charged according to the tariff of your telecommunications operator. Visit the closest office or ATM to Raiffeisenbank. was founded in 1994 as the first bank in Croatia established with foreign capital. Fax: +387 33 21 38 51 SWIFT: RZBABA2S. The financial services of Raiffeisen Bank Hungary are complemented by its subsidiary companies. Here you can see the main Contact information. Telephone Numbers: 00355 4 2381 381 for any kind of information about products, services, offers, etc. We are your ideal partner if you are looking to expand into these markets. 072 92 92 92. Email: Offices with extended working time, ATMs, self-service areas and corporate centers. Emblémem a tradiční ochrannou známkou skupiny Raiffeisen je zvláštní architektonický prvek: dvě zkřížené koňské hlavy (německý Giebelkreuz). 0700 10 000 calls for Vivacom subscribers are at the price of local call for people calling from all around the country - the difference between long-distance and local call is covered by Raiffesienbank.17 21 calls for subscribers of mobile operators A1 and Telenor are at the price of internal call/within the same network – A1-A1 or Telenor-Telenor depending on customer individual plan. consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna. Contact us Complaints/Suggestions Request for change of data ... Raiffeisen BANK dd Bosna i Hercegovina Zmaja od Bosne bb 71 000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina. Phone: (+ 359 2) 91 985 429, (+ 359 2) 91 985 454. Raiffeisen contact Should you have any general questions (e.g. +355 42 381 381 +43-1-71707-3537. Phone: (+ 359 2) 91 985 429, (+ 359 2) 91 985 454, Working hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m, Sales of Capital Markets Products Section, Phone: (+359 2) 91 985 490, (+359 2) 91 985 496, Working hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m, Irina Zarkova, Business Partner - Selection. 2121-III of 07.12.2000, and on the legislative requirements for contracts between the Bank and Wops'related persons. Raiffeisen Bank Shqipëri është nje nga bankat më te mëdha në vend e cila ofron nje game te gjere produktesh dhe sherbimesh per klientet e saj si, kredi, llogari rrjedhese, depozita, karta krediti, investimet , kredi per shtepi, kursime si edhe mundesin e kembimit valutor. The website of Raiffeisenbank uses cookies. Finansijski magazin „EMEA Finance“ dodelio Raiffeisen banci priznanja „Najbolja banka“ i „Najbolja banka u oblasti privatnog bankarstva“ 27.04.2021. 13 markets of the region are covered by subsidiary banks. For calls from abroad: +385 72 62 62 62 / +385 1 6591 562 . Novak Đoković i Raiffeisen Bank International potpisali partnerstvo . 004 021 306 3002 – numar cu tarif normal, apelabil din orice retea din Romania sau din strainatate. by filling the complaint form or by e-mail addressed Clientii pe care darea in plata nu-i protejeaza sunt lasati mai departe sa suporte intreaga povara a datoriei. E-mail: . Find the most convenient location, wherever you are. Bank disponon rrjetin më të gjërë të degëve prej 79 degësh. Oricare ar fi profilul si faza de dezvoltare a afacerii tale, Raiffeisen Bank vine in intampinarea nevoilor companiei tale cu o gama completa de produse si servicii bancare, pentru antreprenori. Zmaja od Bosne bb. List of ATMs INFO phone for private individuals. by post addressed to Raiffeisen Bank, Central Complaint Management (Budapest, 1700) by telefax on 484-4444 telefax number, addressed to Raiffeisen Bank, Central Complaint Management. Historie Raiffeisenbank sahá až do 19. století. 19.04.2021. Raiffeisenbank offers a wide range of bank products and services for individual and corporate clients - loans, deposits, bank cards, bills, transfers, etc. Cerinte tehnice You may send written messages to Raiffeisen Bank via Internet, as well by filling the designated form on the Bank's home page, and by sending an e-mail to (with the possibility to attach .doc .jpg .pdf files). Send your opinion, complaint, and praise from the Bank's services and services. ... on the Web Call button you will activate the Raiffeisen Web Call service and make a free call to our operators at the Contact … Report a stolen or lost payment card. Email: 00355 4 2381 381for any kind of information about products, services and our offers. Contact. 0800 800 555 - linie telefonica gratuita dedicata clientilor cu dificultati financiare. Please note it, and enter on the branch queuing machine on your arrival.Please note that it is not possible to book an appointment for cash desk services.If you would like to report a large cash withdrawal please call the following phonenumber: +36 80 488 588.Thank you for your understanding! Pišite nam na e-mail adresu, javićemo Vam se u najkraćem mogućem roku. 0800 7777 (fix line) and 00355 4 2227 262 for any problem with … INFO phone for business entities. Inbox JSC "Raiffeisen Bank Aval" that is used solely to informing individuals regarding the acquisition of the status of the stand'asanas with the Bank under article 52 of the Law of Ukraine "On banks and banking activities", No. Home. Guvernanta corporativa Structura de guvernanta corporativa a Raiffeisen Bank S.A. este aliniata principiilor de guvernanta corporativa mentinute la nivelul Grupului Raiffeisen. You get a booking ID by filling the form. Call Center. Asistenta. You can book an appointment here. Phones: 0700 10 000 (Vivacom); 17 21 (A1 and Telenor); (+359 2) 962 41 02. Working hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m; Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Banka Evropiane për Rindërtim dhe Zhvillim (BERZH) po ofron kredi prej 5 milionë euro për Raiffeisen Bank në Kosovë për t’i dhënë shtytje konkurrueshmërisë për ndërmarrjet e vogla dhe të mesme (NVM) dhe për t’i ndihmuar ato që të rimarrin veten nga kriza e COVID-19. 490 were here. Facebook: Raiffeisenbank Hrvatska For calls from abroad: +385 72 92 92 92 / +385 1 6591 592. By continuing to use this website, you accept our Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) regards Austria, where it is a leading corporate and investment bank, as well as Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as its home market. For information and CLS nostro services please contact Raiffeisen Bank Hungary at email address:, List of Terms & Conditions for Corporate Clients, Correspondent Banks Standard Terms and Conditions, by filling the complaint form or by e-mail addressed, personally, or by a document submitted by a third person, by post addressed to Raiffeisen Bank, Central Complaint Management (Budapest, 1700), by telefax on 484-4444 telefax number, addressed to Raiffeisen Bank, Central Complaint Management. Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. Raiffeisen Direct Phone is an automated service that allows you to check your account balance any time by calling the Raiffeisen Direct Info number 081 92 92 92. Fax: +387 33 21 38 51. Industry Focus. Contact us Raiffeisen DIRECT INFO Breadcrumb. Raiffeisen Bank nu-ti va trimite niciodata e-mail-uri sau sms-uri prin care-ti solicita sa accesezi adrese web sau link-uri pentru a te conecta la Raiffeisen Online. need help? Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 4, rue Léon … Contact us. CONTACTS. 71 000 Sarajevo. Raiffeisen Bank International Network We regard Austria, where we are a leading corporate and investment bank, as well as Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as our home market. Site-ul original este securizat, daca ai suspiciuni, paraseste imediat site-ul. Acest site utilizeaza cookie-uri pentru a va asigura o experienta de navigare cat mai buna si pentru scopuri de marketing. Bank disponon rrjetin më të gjërë të degëve prej 79 degësh. Pišite nam na adresu. Dealers. Send your feedback, complaint, and praise from the Bank's service and services. SWIFT: RZBABA2S. +412 440 000. Corporate Customers. Contact for personal finance and corporates 7-22. You may contact us at: Telephone : Your Dedicated Premium Relationship located in the main branches of Raiffeisen bank. Raiffeisen Bank Shqipëri është nje nga bankat më te mëdha në vend e cila ofron nje game te gjere produktesh dhe sherbimesh per klientet e saj si, kredi, llogari rrjedhese, depozita, karta krediti, investimet , kredi per shtepi, kursime si edhe mundesin e kembimit valutor. Additionally, the RBI Group comprises numerous other financial service providers, … Currency market and market risk management. Raiffeisen BANK dd Bosna i Hercegovina Zmaja od Bosne bb 71 000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina. Fax: +387 33 21 38 51 SWIFT: RZBABA2S. Raiffeisen Bank International AG, London Branch Tower 42, Leaf 9c 25 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1HQ Phone: +44 20 7933 8000 Fax: +387 33 21 38 51 SWIFT: RZBABA2S. +420 412 446 402. Daniel Rath. Anuleaza. Telefon: +387 33 75 50 20. ... Raiffeisen Conservative Fund Bulgaria Raiffeisen Conservative Fund Bulgaria is the biggest fund in Bulgaria and invests up to 100% of its assets in Bulgarian government bonds. Contact Raiffeisen Bank. Raiffeisen premium info. Raiffeisen Bank Shqipëri është nje nga bankat më te mëdha në vend e cila ofron nje game te gjere produktesh dhe sherbimesh per klientet e saj si, kredi, llogari rrjedhese, depozita, karta krediti, investimet , kredi per shtepi, kursime si edhe mundesin e kembimit valutor. Obratite nam se pisanim putem na adresu centrale banke: Raiffeisen banka, Đorđa … Ana, consultantul virtual Raiffeisen Bank, va raspunde 24/7. Raiffeisen BANK dd Bosna i Hercegovina. Registered March 27, 1992. Raiffeisen BANK dd Bosna i Hercegovina Zmaja od Bosne bb 71 000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina. "As a Luxembourg-based cooperative bank, for almost 90 years Raiffeisen has been committed to supporting and working solely in the interest of its clients, partners and members. Bank disponon rrjetin më të gjërë të degëve prej 79 degësh. Contact Phone Number. “Cookie Policy”, Programme for Young Specialists Without Experience. personally, or by a document submitted by a third person. with respect to opening an account, pension/retirement advice, mortgages), please visit our official Raiffeisen website or contact … Structuri de administrare Administrarea Raiffeisen Bank S.A. este realizata intr-un sistem dualist format din Directorat si Consiliul de Supraveghere. Raiffeisen Bank Aval is the largest Ukrainian bank with foreign capital. Working hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m Bosna i Hercegovina. Raiffeisen Bank si-a imbunatatit oferta de conversie pentru creditele in franci si este dispusa acum sa stearga 25% din datoria existenta. Facebook; Twitter; Linkedin You can contact them via mobile numbers during banking hours. Address: Sofia 1407, 55 Nikola Vaptzarov Blvd, EXPO 2000. E-mail contact: Dobro došli na službenu Facebook stranicu Raiffeisen BANK dd Bosna i Hercegovina! It locally offers the full range of banking and financial services, complemented by its subsidiaries Raiffeisen Leasing, Raiffeisen Pension Insurance Company and Raiffeisen Invest.
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