Basically, I know you have a crush on me. When I tried to sneak into a group, I’d get found out and separated pretty quickly. Kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? My sister is a god too. One day 16 years ago I went into the doctor’s office and walked out with the news that I was having twins. Sparkle up their day a bit. It’s been an eventful and often tragic 35 years for the foursome at the center of the film. Ya Sah! I’ve spent a lot of time shrunk down in my seat. Wait a minute, that’s it! (laughs) We never should have fought in the first place, and sometimes I wish we could’ve paused the whole world for a bit longer, so we could’ve made more memories. Nothing on his face, like it was incapable of emotion. criminal; I don’t even know what the rest of the boys are doing. Mostly, I think about Thomas, and how if I would have been paying attention at the river, he would still…he would…be here. I dropped my working papers along with the uniforms made by society to make us all the same clones of work slaves. By: Eli J., Sarasota, Florida, USA, Age 15 You could have informed me before… I’m in the middle of the ocean, Mr. President! (Rifling through bag.) It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. I know, it’s weird. Shawn, stop trying to light Cindy’s hair on fire! She takes me to a world where awkward moments don’t exist and jealousy is something to joke about and fights never happen (and if they do I don’t remember them). By: Brooke E., Little Rock, Arkansas, Age 14 I’m so sorry! The days where I would just eat and play all day. It seemed okay, but I slept through the night on the train and had no choice but to get off when the train stopped in New York. He wasn’t nice. We met Jessica there, and we were having fun shopping until we went to a really expensive store to try things on for fun and I accidentally tore a dress I was trying on. Description: A student offers a melancholy explanation for why he (or she) keeps falling asleep in class. He didn’t even notice that I was there. I thought it was funny ending up right where I started. Yes, I’m serious. Oh my god! And all of a sudden the edge of the cliff crumbled away beneath me and I was slipping, and you were grabbing at my clothes trying to save me while Papa (beat) Papa did nothing. Honestly, I’m starting to develop insecurities.It’s easy to think that everyone’s always watching you when sometimes, everyone is. Do you still have everything I gave you? Remember Jeanine, open body language and smile…. I wanna be your class president cause like prom sucked last year. Nothing more to say about it. I have to live in the Under World for six months of the year as, um… Queen of the Dead! Got arrested again and it was rinse and repeat with juvey. (Beat.) We’re only minor deities though so we aren’t that important but we still have to go to all the meetings. So, kindly point your arrow in another direction. Maybe move your screen back a little? By: Robert L., Los Angeles, California, USA, Age 11 35 pages! Genre: Drama Genre: Dramatic. You know, heroin will give you everything, but you’ve got to be prepared to give everything to heroin…and I did. We are literally in class right now. I also took up a part time job to help pay for rent and food. I can’t make sense of it. It’s day 47 of absolute isolation, loneliness, and complete and utter boredom. Description: A unique take on the story of Pompeii. Where was I? How are you doing, sir? Well, my friends say I’m obsessed with celebrities. body. And it’s weird, because it’s not like it hurts to say that. Something to do with… well, never mind. Yeah, mom. (Girl being calm) Uh, cool. “Our kind.” We’re not aliens or animals! I’m going off to college next week, and I can’t take you with me. Folding paper and legends, that’s not enough to build hope on, but it’s all we get. Gender: Female Because in the months that followed I, I dropped out of school to take care of you. I have no idea who I am. Ugh, why do you think I’m overreacting? But I was thinking more like drums. Who knew It could be so fun? Great, now I’m hungry. I say, ‘no problem, blue has always suited me, it’s my signature color. He has a dog with scraggly fur and only three legs. Of course, she had no clue. Well, I wasn’t supposed to be washing dishes for a living. pretty much got screwed up, we drank as much alcohol as we could, we Pero, I just can’t get over him – he’s all I think about! Oh, no… I think they’re ripping through the sheets I put over the skyligh! They were never accurate anyway. To be honest I don’t know what drove me to say yes, but if I’m gonna be REALLY honest, it’s cuz Alex is REALLY HOT. I mean, I’ve gone most of my life knowing my father left and it’s all my fault…(starts crying) yeah my mom thinks I need someone to talk to, but I say I can just power through. It was supposed to be a secret. By: Dajai T., Modesto, California, USA I don’t talk at all. My computer has been speaking to me. I hope you realize that Faith brings nothing to the table when it comes to a musical. Description: A casket finally finds a purpose. Gender: Female I looked down at my sister and felt as if the world was ending. I pretend to love my job, since I work for less than minimum wage, and my boss would fire me if I even suggested a raise. I think her love for me pressed those memories into my heart and mind forever. Until you moved away, I knew I would have to take care of you alone. Welcome everyone to the Punctuation Society! It's gonna take me to the other side. You’re all worried about me! When I became Miss Fortune I promised myself that I would always look at each contestant through the eyes of a girl who’s desperate shyness hides her opulent confidence to take control and get what she wants. (Sits down and takes a breath, places hands on lap.) This is going to be so good. Not brown. In your next class period, you slip a piece of chewing gum in your mouth. It’s blank. The kids roughed him up, yanno, punches and kicks like little tykes do, and then poured syrup into the back of his sweater. There were even times when I didn’t want to be on this earth anymore, but looking at her, I felt that things were going to get better…that I would come out stronger than ever. (Exaggerated wink.) Listeners—of which, there aren’t any—and I don’t mean to start off on such a low note, but I’m gonna go insane if I have to be stuck with myself for another two months. Description: A teacher struggles to teach her class virtually I’d better turn in my paper. People also assume you’re like 5 or 6 years younger than you are. It’s lightning….yes, I’m serious…. There’s another one! Good god woman! He’s crying. Genre: Comedic. Well done. So, Dr. Broomfield is gone, huh? Although I’m nowhere near perfect, I still have a lot of work to do. Well more like we were kicked out of a party. My dad used to apologize a lot. (beat) No? Genre: Comedic By: Derek Olsen, Age 11, Iowa, USA Oh, what the heck. Santa is where? Oh, the cello is nice. It’s a wonderful scar, don’t you think? Chained to the ground by everything I’ve got going for me. I’ve always been really smart. No pressure, right? As he merrily plies his trade.”. My chemistry teacher just walked out of class. (Archibald nods, then shrieks, flailing his sword around). Coo…coo… COO! Barely. His door is over here. I will, and already do miss her so much. That you mean far less than little to someone, someone who doesn’t kiss the earth below you. By: Yoselyn H., Edinburg, Tx, USA; Age 13 I try not to have any real friends; they just judge me drag me down. Because although you see me as a lunatic, what you don’t know is that most mornings I lay flat on my back playing the stars awake with the strumming of my guitar. (He grins and starts playing the flute again.). We should totally do that!” Definitely not! Walk, walk, walk and cupcake hands and turn and heart face! Now, he only came to visit when he meant serious business. I opened my eyes, only for the saltwater to flood them. But It’s cruel. In the middle of my inspirational speech. My cat is not allowed in the blimp because he might scratch a hole in it with his claws, causing the blimp to crash into Venus’ surface, where I will be cooked alive. Practically a quantum computer, and my two brothers were jealous of this, which led to my being bullied by my own family. In my opinion, girls should just say what they mean and not send hidden messages. There, I said it. Genre: Drama VSCO girls? If you had listened during history class, instead of dozing off or chatting with your friends online, you’d probably know how royalty in Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt considered themselves close to the gods. (demanding desperately) Well, then open the port, let the Iceberg in. After all I’ve done for you; raising you, teaching you, feeding you, clothing you- you dare to talk to me like this? He/she gets up, addresses the audience. (looks around then talks into the phone while running offstage) Oh my God, I’m in the library! Description: A nervous Walmart employee makes a video tape of himself asking for a promotion. Help! Maybe then, this wouldn’t have happened. Is that my school picture? I never got any letter. We’re just objects, wallflowers, property. I can hear you. Okay God, take me know. (nods) Yeah, I sure hope so. I’m keeping it! I’m only the accepted thin; where no one would even take a glance at me, ya know? My brother gets the whole day on the internet. I tried to get into the Gender: Male They don’t realize it, of course. For almost a decade, our company has held the largest market share for pasta in the world. I am going to be a janitor! Easy. I babysat a lot last summer and I feel like I was a really good leader. (The leprechaun goes back to his work making shoes and sings this song. It sounds like a blow-torch. (Smile turns into an angry frown) Okay…. Marilyn Monroe was a celebrity. By: Naia Thethy, Age 11, Washington D.C., USA Other times, I think he had a kid cause he likes whippin.’ Whatever the reason, I’m makin’ plans. (Takes a deep breath and rolls the window down.) That’s not a life you would want to live. Yeah, we’ve all heard it, Penelope. Waiting for my answer, and he is looking so longingly at me. First, we trashed his place. Stab the metal box, girl, or begone from this class! I bet I could beat you in a race. Thank you for always being there for me. I have three dogs, so if I accidentally left chocolate just laying around then my dogs might EAT IT. Well, I can’t stay long. (Pause.) What were my alternatives, officer? I’m serious. You’re not tough at all! Maybe we can come up with a compromise. Cause, I’m pretty sure I just told you how I feel. Oh, right okay! And this is how I imagined my marriage proposal would be: (Girl imitates future husband’s voice; kneels on the floor, romantically) You are the love of my life. Do you not catch the tiny clamour, That was a monologue! Well, that’s okay. You can’t be sleeping in class! He is also grieving; His grandson Timothy died. You know he’s not buried here, right? I walked around and realized my mirror self was gone! I promise you that I won’t let Luke see you or remember you like this. What’s that? When you are waking up, going to school, attending parties, hanging out with your friends, I’m stuck here in this room with white walls, a white floor, and white ceiling. But some days you don’t hear it. You ever know that kind of fear? His Wikipedia page is half that many pages, and that has pictures and headings and stuff! (Girl dramatically cries) What?! Gender: Female Description: Sometimes we would rather erase ourselves than face the reflection in the mirror. Description: A merchant ship captain has a conversation with the president of an African country about the iceberg he is towing back from Antarctica for $1 million. I’m not an armrest, I’M A HUMAN BEING! I’ll tell y’all one more story. Oh my God, I left it charging in the car. (hangs up) Okay class, new test! Gross. Stand by Me Photos. The real killer is out there probably killing more people! Gender: Male or Female I always hurt someone. No? Description:An employee explains why they were late to work. I knew from the moment he left he was disgusted by my ugliness! Classic. I’m throwing it back. Description: A student describes their day at school. By: Isabelle P., Age 14, Wisconsin, USA Description: A teen explains why they are suicidal. Kimoto is back at the wall it is … caught he robs the home run!” Everyone goes crazy. Gender: Female I kinda knew I had it all along. My magnificent, shining sources of love. Don’t turn the lights on. What was I talking about… Oh yeah, people ask what my biggest flaw is… I guess I’m just too strong. I mean . Gender: Any Only a little longer guys. Yells as he exits.) It’s garbage night. (pause) Tomorrow? It’s good she spent her time doing something she wanted to do, that is that. Nah. Genre: Dramatic. But what do I say? (Stands up straight, pushes shoulders back and extends her hand for a handshake) Good morning, my name is Jeanine Brefcyznki. Her exterior is very stuck up and arrogant but internally she is very down to earth. I know you keep telling me, “But Fiona, I rescued him!” No, you did not. So, whew. I was always just walking to get somewhere, never just to wander off into some cave and get bit by I don’t even wanna know, or throw a rock over a seagull’s head in order to get the piece of bagel it was going to steal from me, or have to drive around to the nearest beach to catch a bath before families started coming in and setting up their volleyball nets. You tell him no and hope he gives up. Besides, I think I’m running out of time. Like forever, forever? Unless ya whip it outta ‘em. I’m giving her the silent treatment, if that’s not clear. You’re not going to believe this bit of advice, but I’d be very careful of spending too much time looking in mirrors if I were you. The odd thing was, there wasn’t anyone there. Genre: Comedic. It’s like… how would I explain this to a simpleton? President, I need the money. I went into Pink, right? But it’s a snail. well, it’s hard to describe, but I’ll do my best. I covered my ears and ran inside and closed the door. People fear of drowning or being attacked by creatures from below. I want to feel free. Anyway, it’s Alan’s, I mean ‘Aladdin’s’ name in lights and I’m there in his shadow providing the cheap laughs. Maybe if I tell you about all the things we did, and who we used to be together, you’d remember. I eventually got medicine for it. I just wish he wouldn’t yell, and…well, other stuff. You’re just thinking about going home, watching tv, what you’re going to make for dinner. Superpowers? I thought only bad kids had those. (exhales) Starting now. I know you haven’t gotten the chance to check their wall paint for dangerously high amounts of lead or check her bank statements, but I think she’s pretty trustworthy! I felt like I knew her for my entire life. Listens to someone in the audience.) Why is it that you don’t even ask me my name? (A teen delivers a eulogy at a podium in a packed church. “Let us practice face painting on you,” they said. Lemme tell you the truth about this whole “Three Little Pigs” thing. When they finally arrived at the treehouse the last sister forced the rest of her sisters to do the renegade with her for TikTok but what they didn’t know is that they were in a magical treehouse that didn’t like TikToks so it made the girls shrink and they were sucked into the pop socket on one of the girl’s phone never to be seen again. I’ve adored the little rascals since I could say the word. They weren’t always like this. Nothing but a gloried delivery man if you ask me! It’s different, that’s for sure. Do you think that I could forget with people telling me every day? Genre: Dramatic I remember we would all l hold hands around the dinner table and pray. Brock: Okay. Her “just in case” gun. There are plenty who are, though. Those two little words, “I do.” Everyone in this church is staring at me. Hmm okay, that’s funny. You ask me this every time, and it’s been a year, so yeah. Mom. Genre: Dramatic, (Monologue can be delivered at a desk with a prop microphone, simulating a radio broadcast, or in front of a laptop, as if the person is livestreaming or recording a video.). They won’t be back for a long time, if ever. Wait…how’d a bunch of capital letters get in here. Are you frozen? Of course you do. But it was not my fault or the poor linguini’s fault. Let me show you how she should have done the audition. Well, live and learn. It obviously wasn’t my fault because why would I do things that would upset her on purpose? (pause) No, don’t hang up. Wanna hear my story? I started to wonder if I would ever get out? That thunder and lightning surrounding us? Genre: Dramatic. There are some things that I’ve seen happen in the ocean that would normally scar you for life. By: Lyena Monis, Age 12, California, USA With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history. One day I saw a beautiful portfolio and wanted to meet the photographer. Never, ever touch Mr. Rupert. What is that? (pause) Why would you say that Samantha?! We can all have a new beginning. Oh…is that the new neighbor from next door? (Animatedly) Oh! Nothing. I am the only one who passed? The only reason I’m asking politely is because you have a taser… I mean I could have taken that along with your badge, keys, wallet, and rolex watch. I don’t buy that for a second. I’ll stay on the line with you until the police get to your house. Once upon a time, when there was only Spring and Summer, my father, Zeus, King of the Living, thought I should have a husband. And no throwing them this time! I even memorized the state bird for every place in America! I swear, I have to run all over the place, pushing people aside in order to get a signal. I still have all the gifts you gave me, the fluff ball, the coloring page, the paintings, and that terrible ceramic dog that sort of resembles mine.
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