but you are the source of life and energy, always with us, We become what we receive – the love of the Trinity in the world. Lk 24:48; Lk 10:16; Matt 18:17; Jn 14:26; 1 Tim 3:15; inter al. Jesus comes to stay. This is not a god of pagan superstition nor even of the philosophers. April 18, 2021 . Gospel Commentary - Catholic Homily for Today, Saturday, May 22, 2021 I don’t know where I’d be if it were not for the steady support of the people of God: their prayers, their praise, their witness, and their encouragement. Thus, again, there is a communal context for blessing, not merely a private one. Lord, we pray for all of us who are called to exercise leadership Don’t block your blessings! Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia Second Sunday of Easter, 11 April 2021 . Select among possible lessons drawn from each Sunday's readings. April 25 2021 Catholic Sunday Readings Homily Theme: The Sheep Hear His Voice as He Calls Them By Name – John 10:1-18. In our church we tend to look at the Trinity as a doctrine. Some say, “No, I believe in what the Bible says,” but the Bible is a book of the Church. so that even though we are here for a few short years and then move on, He must be sought where He is found, among sinners in His Church. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.”. The two stories cannot both be true. It was not a truth that he was able to discover for himself, nor one that he came to experience from his own decisions. I have found that I could only really appreciate some of the more difficult teachings of the Church after years of fellowship and instruction by the Church, in the liturgy and in other ways. In this short homily for Easter Sunday, Year A, Father Hanly reminds us that today we do not celebrate Jesus rising from the dead to go back to some heaven from where he came.We celebrate something more. When we understand this, we are truly baptised in the name of Trinity. As Son he was able to exercise this gift. Thomas found Him, but only when he gathered with the others. Why then does St John introduce the story of Jesus appearing to Mary Magdela telling her NOT to touch Him, in stark contrast to Luke’s account of Jesus with St Thomas? It is never possessed by us. It is something we celebrate because we know it makes us better human beings, as we follow ever more closely in the footsteps of Jesus. we are all present and will continue to be until the end of time. Help us to imitate Jesus; to be conscious, like he was, At the outset of the celebration it is worth reflecting that today's focus is the very essence of Christian identity. Not only has He given this authority to men (cf Matt 9:8), He has given it to the very men who abandoned Him (with the exception of John) at His crucifixion. There is surely joy to be found in a personal relationship with Jesus, but the Lord also announced a special presence whenever two or three are gathered in His name. An online source of Information and Inspiration, ***********************************************, A Recently deceased Trinidadian Holy Ghost Priest, director of the Centre of Biblical renewal, Studied scripture in Rome, Jerusalem and Chicago and taught at Blackrock CollegeÂ. Also there was a small roman temple that had been rededicated to St Luke, so he too was there and likewise familiar to the others. In some ways faith is like a stained glass window that is best appreciated from inside the Church. Here, too, is a privatization of faith, a rejection of fellowship, and a refusal to gather with the Church and accept what she proclaims through her Scriptures, Tradition, and the catechism. It was a “gift” he had received from the Father. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you.”. Give thanks to the Lord for his presence in the Eucharist.Father, Son and Spirit, The text from today’s Gospel says, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. It is Christ’s will to gather us and unite us (Jn 17:21). ), teaches. “Feeling” His presence while alone on some mountaintop can never compare to hearing the priest say, “Behold the Lamb of God.”. Finally, it is a provocative but essential truth that Christ is found in the Church. Today we are not celebrating a mystery we are never destined to understand; rather we are contemplating the God in whose image we are made and whose name is Love. It is essential for us to discover how Mass attendance is essential for us if we want to experience the healing and blessing of the Lord. The church, reflecting on his experience, was later – and only gradually – able to formulate the church doctrine of the Trinity. He is the one who gets right into life, bringing God into humanity as one of us.  Jesus talked so much about farming, weddings, death, illness, joys, trust, creation, nature, breakfasts, gardens, dinners; he is the God of the table more than the God of the temple. And so it is for us, too, afflicted as we are in so many ways, troubled at some times and joyful at others, there is the critical importance of gathering each Sunday, each first day of the week. because they have committed some sin that has them feeling ashamed. Abbot Driscoll also preached at all of the weekend Masses at OLGC. who have themselves been defeated, Some want Christ without the Church. Today we begin to see how the risen Lord ministers to us as the Good Shepherd. I cannot imagine what my life would be like were it not for this gathering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where Jesus is present to me and says, “Shalom, peace be with you.” Over the years, I am a changed man. Thank you Monsignor Rather, we accept this as part of the gracious revelation of God and respond in the way of Jesus: him we address  as Lord; with him we call on the Father; from him we accept the Spirit. When we fail in some great enterprise and have to start again, Why Did St. Paul Get Arrested at Philippi. was later – and only gradually – able to formulate the church doctrine of the Trinity. A Homily for Thomas Sunday Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov) “The fathers of the Church say that this bliss is a pledge of great blessings for us, perhaps greater than the holy apostles were accounted worthy of, but on condition that we, like the apostles, full of this blessedness, must give our entire lives to Christ, and serve His Gospel evangelism. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 3. Observe again that this is only to those who are present. But St John writing some 30 years after Luke has Jesus appearing to Mary and emphatically telling her NOT to touch Him. When he was outside, he did not see and so he doubted. We are not afraid to move on His spirit flows in all of creation, love, suffering and joy; He finds us in all things. In effect, the Lord gives us four basic pictures or teachings of how, as the … Continue reading "The King of Love My Shepherd Is – A Homily for the 4th Sunday of Easter" There are other texts in Scripture showing Confession to be quite biblical: Many consider it sufficient to speak to God privately about their sins, but the Scriptures instruct us away from such a solitary notion and bid us to approach the Church. He exercised this authority for himself and from his own observation. That is, some apostles could have forgiven sins before Pentecost. It means that we take authority as ours and not as “given”. in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Up until now we have been reading of the resurrection appearances themselves. The beginning of this homily reads: "He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30). The locked doors signify their fear of the Jewish authorities. Meditate on Fr. (Homily: Fr Peter Dillon). Second, Thomas exhibits faltering fellowship by refusing to believe the testimony of the Church that the Lord has risen. The professor announced that there would be a pop quiz. Any first century–or even current–bystander who heard that would stare at the speaker cross-eyed. Just as we do not know the reason for his absence, his return is also unexplained. Let’s look at today’s Gospel in five stages. Note that there is also a new serenity, a peace, a shalom. vs.20 and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you.  The things we can feel free to hand on to others include all forms of authority, especially that of our faith in Jesus. Of course this is probably the worst thing that one can do. Easter III Sunday (April 18, 2021) EASTER III [B] (April 18) SUNDAY (Eight-minute homily in one page) Introduction: The common theme of today’s readings is the … Read More “Easter III Sunday … ******************************************************, Donal Neary SJ yes, you will be there till the end of that time. Readings for Easter Sunday, The Resurrection of the Lord, Year A. Thomas O'Loughlin like the eleven disciples setting out disconsolately to return to Galilee, The gospel reading for this Year B is an excellent starting point for this journey. On the other hand, a people who were considered of no particular significance from a small stretch of land in the eastern Mediterranean have passed on to us their enduring concept of God. But this was shown, that in falling and in rising we are always preciously kept in the same love.”     ... Julian of Norwich. He took the decisions for himself, or it was decided for him in the name of the Father. Homily packs provide ingredients for effective homilies. Lord, we pray for those who are feeling discouraged at this moment Tomorrow’s Catholic Daily Readings for April 26 2021, Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter – Homily . This is Yahweh, the God of Israel, who became known to the people through the experience of their own history and who subsequently revealed himself in Jesus of Nazareth. At other times again, you are deep within us, like our breath, The fact that they were gathered in one place is not without significance, for it is there that the Lord chose to appear to them. What is St John getting at to relate such a different story? Lord, people in authority often cling to those in their charge. Liturgical Resources for the Year of Matthew April 11 2021 Catholic Sunday Readings Homily Theme: Blessed are Those Who Have not Seen and Have Believed – John 20:27-29. One of them was not in the gathering and thus missed the blessing … Continue reading "From Fear to Faith – A Homily for the Second Sunday of Easter" On this second Sunday in Lent, we encounter Jesus as the Son of God and on his way to the cross. Those simple, direct words of St. John the Baptist, whose feast we celebrate today, summarize the life of the Christian disciple. Driscoll looks at the gospel account of the transfiguration of Jesus (MK 9:2-10) at what this means for us today.
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