Gluttony -- Once a Deadly Sin, Now a Treatable Disorder ... number of people said to have the condition is inflated and many will be diagnosed and over treated with drugs that can cause … Seductive spirits set up lustful desire in order to cause an action that will feed their agenda of defeat. Rumination syndrome is a rare cause of regurgitation. People sometimes overeat for emotional or psychological reasons, such as boredom, anxiety, depression, or stress.. To figure out whether you’re eating too much, first review the correct amount of daily calories needed for your weight, age, metabolism, physical activity level, and gender. The problem of gluttony is a complex one. What Is Overeating? The word derives from the Latin gluttire, to gulp down or swallow. Some Christian denominations consider gluttony one of the seven deadly sins Rather, overeating is about our feelings and the desperate desire to run from them. It is caused by involuntary muscle contractions moving food backward. Overeating refers to eating more calories than your body uses for energy. Viewed from a worldly perspective, gluttony doesn’t seem like that big of a problem. Why Christians Must Confront Gluttony. If you’re intrigued, then let’s dig in. Gluttony (Latin: gula, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning "to gulp down or swallow") means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items, particularly as status symbols.. Some say that gluttony is the most accepted sin in the church. It seems that what is lurking behind overeating can be the provoking spirit of seduction! However, what we have found is that gluttony is not always the common culprit. Excess lower intestinal gas can be caused by eating too much of certain foods, by the inability to fully digest certain foods or … There can be physiological illnesses, environmental issues (parents can overfeed their children making eating a lifelong problem), and spiritual causes that feed the problem (no pun intended). I don’t know about you, but what really causes me trouble, in terms of sheer empty calories, is bourbon. Symptoms occur daily and with almost every meal. Among other afflictions, too much eating can cause obesity and gout, and too much drinking, cirrhosis of the liver and depression. It’s also about the backlash of dieting, because for every restriction, there is an equal and opposite binge. It can be thought of as a chronic cause of regurgitation. It is more common in infants and those with developmental disabilities. Bottom line: Overeating and specifically binge eating can cause serious psychological distress, lower quality of life, and weight gain. The study is not attempting to dismiss these other factors, but does limit itself Sure, we should be healthy, and I suppose that means we shouldn’t sneak too much ice cream in the afternoon, or take fourth helpings every night. Treatment depends on the cause. Excess upper intestinal gas can result from swallowing more than a usual amount of air, overeating, smoking or chewing gum. [citation needed] One reason for its condemnation is that gorging by the prosperous may leave the needy hungry. Gluttony (Latin: gula) is the overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if the excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy. Top Psychological Reasons for Overeating. Our attitude seems to be, “Lord, I’ll give you everything – but do not touch my food!” However, for our mission’s sake, we must confront the spirit of gluttony that is rampant in the church. In Numbers 11, the Israelites in the wilderness, inclined to be excessive, let lust and greed rule them. Here are the 9 biggest psychological causes of overeating: 1.
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